Chapter 1

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I have been driving for a while I'm fixing to be at uncle nicks house uncle nick has dinner cooking chicken and dumplings a friend is watching the food my bedroom is a good size it has the window seat I have a Apple laptop and tablet I'm putting everything up I have a canopy bed and plenty of blankets on my chaise lounge my room has carpet time skip to going to bed it's almost 9 o clock at night uncle nick is eating dinner right now I'm wearing a Forest green tank top and white pants that flare out at the ankles and my hair is in a fishtail braid I'm getting into bed time skip to waking up at 12 o clock I feel like I'm being watched. As I am coming out of my bathroom I see someone in the corner close to my closet and two more on my balcony. GRIMM Uncle nick help no get off of me I stab him in the arm and he jumps off my balcony my ribs are sore because the other two punched me I got hit in the ribs and another hit me with a blade and got me on my cheek before the could jump uncle nick shot him 4 minutes later. Uncle nicks pov I'm so worried about Alexandra but I need to focus on Hank and Wu are here and the other detectives hey Nick what's up hank Wu I'd like for you to meet my niece Alexandra hey Alex can you tell us what happened I was coming out of the bathroom when I felt like I was being watched I noticed 1 in the corner near my closet the other two were on my balcony the one in the corner I was able to hit with my knife the other two one punched me several times in the ribs the other scratched my cheek did you get enough Blood drawn from the one you stabbed I think so the other two shouldn't be a problem I have two dogs outside I'll go see if they bite them if they did I'll bring them inside okay go get them. Time skip to bringing the dogs in Okay they got clothing can i have a glove open good girl good boy. Here take that to evidence I also I need something to get the DNA off their muzzle please here thank you can I have the blood test thing here you go thank you it's human look I'm going to take Artemis and Zeus to the vet get them checked out if y'all want to have a unit or two escort me you can honestly it would make me feel better okay do you Know if they were armed I never saw anything out in the open but it looked like there were gun straps and I think I saw the out line of a gun because he had a jacket on so I don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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