About me

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I just realised that my description about me wasn't that descriptive so I'm going to answer a bunch of questions about myself.

Let's get started.

Hair colour: strait blond hair

Eye colour: blue eyes

Favourite clothing: pjs

Favourite colour: 1:pink 2:green 3:purple 4:blue

Favourite tv show: "My Little Pony" or "Flash" or "800 Words"

Favourite movie: its between "Mamma Mia," "My Big Fat Greack Wedding,"'

Where would be your ideal date location: the movies

Favourite breakfast: bacon and eggs

Favourite lunch: subway is awesome

Favourite diner: Paster and macaroni and cheese

Favourite desert: ice cream

Name all the country's you been to: I have never been out of Australia which is were I live.

Favourite country: Japan

Your Background: a quarter Irish a quarter German and half English. But I'm very Australian.

Tag a bunch of people:


To those who I tagged you may or may not answer these questions in your books.
Also if you do have any questions you want ask me I will answer them hear.

Bye my little shimmers.

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