ᔕEᑕᖇETᔕ & ᗰIᔕTᗩKEᔕ

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It had been two weeks since the new kid came to Hetalia Gauken Academy. That's what he was known as, 'that new kid'. Although, Alfred was completely unaware that the new kid title was the label most males used. The rest of the few males and all females called him 'that new cute kid'. Nor did he know that his three roommates had been getting suspicious about his little self harming secret. The only people that were completely aware of this were his family and teachers. Ah..the teachers..nearly all of them treated him differently. Most of it was due to the self harming, but quite a few were homophobics. Yes, there were gay and lesbian couples all around the school, but they weren't aware. And so, Alfred was often given detentions for the littlest things he did. Most of the time he'd spend it thinking. Thinking about his family back home..yet his mind always drifted to Arthur. He was what most call a punk, but he was really a good friend to him. Always checking up on him, talking to him, spending more time with him then the rest of the band. That made him feel special. In a short explanation, he had a crush on him. Antonio was actually the only one who knew and was always the one with the great advice. He'd frequently ask him what's on his mind and is a great listener. Lovino was like his other brother. The two were enough to have a week's detention, which they actually did have for one whole week. The two cursed frequently at the Antonio and Arthur when they were pissing them off. Yet, Arthur always seemed to laugh and stay with Alfred while Antonio did the same with Lovino. They were both somewhat alike, so Lovino understood him the most and actually was quite good to speak to as well when Antonio didn't understand. Now in the present, Alfred was sitting in his bed working on his extra punishment homework. Arthur was perched up on his desk and strumming his guitar, his feet resting on the chair. The whole room was filled with band posters the two both loved. It contained Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With The Sirens, Of Mice & Men, and much more. But the one band that took the most space was none other than My Chemical Romance. The two were very fond of that band, especially the young American.

"You're still not done...?" Arthur questioned tiredly, stretching out with a yawn. "We only got about three homework assignments.."

"I know..Shit-Face gave me extra for talking back..." Alfred explained and rolled his eyes. He smiled softly at him, pointing towards the other's bed. "Sleep. Now. It's past midnight, don't wait for me" He ordered as his brows rose slightly when Arthur shook his head stubbornly. Honestly, the two have been through this way too many times now. "Look Artie, how about we skip through the unnecessary fighting and go to bed like ya always do"

Arthur groaned and placed his guitar gently into its case. "Alright, just hurry up and get a bit of rest" He nodded and removed his shirt as he jumped into bed. The Brit had a bad habit of sleeping without a shirt. And that didn't help Alfred's small crush. It was unlikely that Arthur would return his feelings, even if Antonio told him otherwise.

Alfred blushed softly and nodded at him, huddling into the far side of the bed and pulling his notebook closer to him. "Hey Arthur? Can you guys play for me sometime..?" He asked quietly with burning cheeks.

Arthur shifted around and faced the other, raising an eyebrow at him. "I suppose..If you change in the same room from now on or at least wear something else from a long sleeve shirt or hoodie" He replied with a small smirk. The other always changed in the bathroom no matter if it was only men in the room or even one man. He also always wore a hoodie, then at night he wore a long sleeved shirt. The two considered each other best friends, and yet Alfred still didn't change in front of him.

"W-Why do you want me to do that..?! I've told you a hundred times that I'm insecure about my body!" Alfred protested, turning a darker red.

"Oh shut it! You are not!"

"How do you know for sure?!"

"You sleep without goddamn pants on!"

"I-err..." Alfred stammered and gazed at his lap. 'Damn you and your dumb smartical particals...' He thought, silently cursing at himself. "Shut the fuck up and sleep...." He grumbled and threw a pillow at him.

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