Recipe page 3

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Yunlan made very sure to wash out all the dust, smoke and stench out of his hair and off his skin. He shaved himself carefully, leaving his signature beard on of course. He knew Shen Wei likes him this way.

When he stepped out of the bathroom he was very pleased not to smell anything burning or hear the fire alarm again. Yunlan made a few steps to the bed where laid the clothes he wanted to wear. After ruining his jeans and shirt, he had only one option left - to wear dark colors.

"Nah, I look good in dark blue, right?" He unwrapped the knot on the towel he had around his waist and started dressing up. One look to the mirror and a smile appeared on his face. "It does not look bad, not bad at all." He checked on the flowers prepared on the bed side table. The plan was to place them on the dinning table, but he decided to wait until Guo leaves. Same for the candles. Guo does not need to know and see everything.

"Talking about Guo... How is my chef doing?" Yunlan opened the door and clapped in admiration upon seeing the set-up table. "Guo this is really amazing."

"I hope you will enjoy the evening," Guo smiled and took off the apron he was wearing to not stain his clothes. "I made dumplings with meat and vegetable filling, grilled meat with sauce, noodles and some side-dishes. If Chief Zhao takes out the ice-cream as dessert it will make a good course meal."

"Guo, I really do not know how to thank you..."

"You already did, Chief Zhao," Guo reminded him. "We will see each other next Thursday in the office."

"Thursday?" As soon as Yunlan said the word he recalled that Guo is now entitled to have a few days off. "Oh, right... Thursday is it then."

Guo smiled widely, happy he will have such a prolonged weekend ahead of him. "Then... if it is all I will go. Professor Shen should be here any time soon."

Yunlan got nervous. He did not check the clock for a few minutes and Guo was right. Shen Wei should be here in any minute. "Okay okay... enjoy the rest of the evening and say Hi to Chu for me. I am sorry to disturb your evening, guys."

Guo blushed. How Chief Zhao knew he was with Chu? "S-See you in the office then. Good night, Chief Zhao." Guo bowed slightly, took his bag and left the apartment.

Yunlan exhaled in relief. The evening for him and Shen Wei was not destroyed in the end. He went back to the bedroom and brought the flowers and candles with him. Placing the flowers into a vase near the dining table he then proceed with lightening the candles and placing them all over the place. Suddenly, he recalled they have that annoying fire alarm. 

"Maybe I should switch it off first..."

Yunlan, however, did not find any switch off button on the device. He was afraid it will start its irritating melody at the wrong timing once Shen Wei arrive. Yet, he did not want to leave out the candles. Candles made the atmosphere more romantic.

"Well... we still have something to help me." Yunlan opened the bottom drawer and took out a hammer. One fast and precise hit and the fire alarm device shattered into pieces without causing the alarm to start. "That will do." He cleaned the smashed plastic pieces and continued with positioning the candles.

When the candle box was empty, Yunlan stopped in the middle of the apartment to judge the result. The luxurious homemade dinner was prepared, the flower bouquet looked nice, the candles were all lit and he looked irresistibly handsome.

"This is perfect. The only thing left is-" Yunlan was not allowed to finish the sentence as he heard keys opening the front door. 

Shen Wei was back!

Yunlan's whole body trembled. He glanced over the place again and then swiftly made his way to the door. Shen Wei was in a slight shock when Yunlan opened the door before he could even push them to open.

"Xiao Wei!"

Shen Wei had no time to respond. Yunlan grabbed his luggage and pushed it inside. Then gripped Shen Wei's hand and pulled him into the apartment, kicking the door close again, pulling Shen into one big embrace.

Yunlan waited for Shen Wei to hug him back. The feeling of happiness, excitement and arousal made his head spin and he was feeling high from it. When he felt Shen's arms on his back and his head resting on his shoulder he jokingly asked: "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did," Shen whispered into his ear, unknowingly stimulating Yunlan more. Yunlan immediately noticed his body reacting and gently pushed Shen Wei's beautiful figure out of his reach again.

"Do I smell... food?" Shen looked in the direction of the kitchen and his eyes widened. "You... this..."

Yunlan smiled. "Are you hungry?"

Shen only nodded, eyes fixed to the feast. 

"Good, because I am inviting you for a dinner." Yunlan escorted him to the table, holding the chair for Shen Wei so that he can sit down.

"You prepared all this for me?" Shen was deeply touched when he saw not only the food, but also the flowers and candles. "It is really... beautiful."

"You are beautiful," Yunlan flirted and hold Shen's hand over the table. 

Shen Wei blushed and squeezed Yunlan's hand back.

"You have no idea how long the week was for me," admitted Yunlan.

Shen had a very packed schedule for the full week. He was attending seminars, talking with honorary guests or having his own panel talks, yet when he returned to the empty hotel room his heart became lonely and unsettled. "I was lonely as well..."

Yunlan noticed the tint of sadness in Shen's voice and decided to bring the mood up. "I will pour us some non alcoholic wine and let's start eating."

Shen Wei smiled in response. He was glad he is finally back home. Seeing Yunlan again was all worth the terribly long journey from another country. He caressed one flower petal with his index finger and wondered how lucky he is to have such a caring man beside him. Yunlan looked stunning with his styled hair and new shirt, but watching him struggle with a corkscrew made Shen Wei chuckle. He gave him two more minutes and then got up to offer his help.

"Let me help you." He took the bottle and corkscrew from Yunlan's hands and with a few professional moves opened the cork at once. When throwing the cork to the bin, knowing they will have no wine left "for later", he noticed something strange.

"You... you really cooked here?"

"Ehhhh... hmm..." To hide his embarrassment, he hugged Shen from behind. "I wanted to surprise you. It is our first anniversary, after all. Do not be mad at me for using the kitchen."

Shen turned around in the embrace. "I am not mad at you, silly. Just very nicely surprised, that is all." He placed a quick kiss on Yunlan's lips. "Shall we start eating? I am really hungry."

Yunlan's body, once again, reacted in the speed of light. "Me too."

+++End of chapter+++

How do you think the evening will turn out to be?

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