Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep Beep*

'Arghh' I silently moaned. Looking up at my alarm clock I realised it was 8:45.

' Shit!' I cursed.

I was late. Late for my last day of being a waitress. The thought made a smile creep across my face.. Soon I'll be in University doing Art! The one thing I knew I was good at. At the age of 18 (19 in September) Art was my only passion. My mum and step-dad Matthew didn't fully support my Decision, hience the fact I'm moving to live it London.

Pulling on my dark purple shirt, black leggings and black UGGS, I looked in the mirror.

I didn't find my self attractive at all! I had long light ginger hair. In lay to the length of about mid back. I had pale clear skin, that felt soft to touch! My skin was the only thing I really liked about myself. Besides my slimmed, toned stomach. Something I had been working on for 11 months now. Many hours at the local pool and gym had to be spent trying to get it. I was short. 5'3 1/2, something I strongly detested! Having to look up at people all the time was not fun. My appearance got me nicknames like 'Ginge', 'shorty' and 'Lepercon' because I'm also Irish.

I moved to Wolverhampton when I was 12. My father passed away when I was 10 meaning my mother was broken hearted. Her only solution was drinking. She was never a bad mother. There was always food in the cupboards, milk in the fridge and she always got me up in time to catch the school bus. She cried a lot and everything around us reminded her of my dad. A month before my 12 birthday she told us we were leaving Ireland. I remember screaming at her and throwing tantrums saying I would never meet any friends and that it would be her fault. The last few weeks in Ireland was spent packing and saying goodbye to all my family and friends. I still go there every summer to stay with uncles and aunties and with my grandparents, my dad didn't have any brothers or sisters and his parents died when he was young, so I never got to meet them. I still had a strong Irish accent from spending holidays there, in my home place Galway.

Moving to Wolverhampton was hard on me. Until I met Liam.

The delivery man had finished moving furniture into or new house. It was a two floored house attached to a similar one. The house alone was like any other house really. It was part of a small, quiet housing asstate, that looked quite boring.

My mum and I were unpacking boxes when the doorbell rang. My mum went to answer it leaving me in the kitchen unpacking glasses and plates. I heard talking and laughing and in walked a beautiful women holding dish full of Lasagne. She smiled at me and introduced herself as Karen Payne. I shook her hand and smiled politely at the brown haired boy beside her. He happily smiled back and stuck out his hand to shake, I instantly shook it.

'I'm Liam Payne, I'm 12 years old! What's your name?' he asked.

I replied simply with 'My names Emma and I'm 12 too! Wanna be friends?' He nodded and beamed at me. We've been best friends ever since.

I smiled at the memory, it only felt like yesterday it had happened when really it had been almost 7years. I spent a lot of time with Liam, whether it was playing at the park, sleeping over or just hanging out in each others houses. Starting secondary school in September meant I was in Liam's class and we instantly stuck together. We had made a few other friends but I wasn't really interested as long as I had Liam. Over time I did start to fancy him a bit, but never worked on my emotion towards him. I didn't want to risk or friendship. When we were 13 we both shared or first kiss together, just for experience and to get it out of the way. It was under the swing set in the park. We laughed of any awkwardness afterwards and never really talked about it much. After that I didn't fancy Liam. He was more of a brother really.

When he turned 14 he tried out of XFactor after singing to me for 2years I had a strong feeling he would go far. I was there to support him and there to be a crying shoulder when he was refused at Judges houses. I quickly reminded him that Simon had told him to try out again after his GCSE's when he was 16. The next 2 years was important for both of us. We spent time studying together and going to our first house party's, and clubs. We even went on holidays together along with our two mums.

When he tried out for XFactor second time round he made it to bootcamp. When he got refused once again he ran to me at the side of the stage crying. Liam, his mum and I stood hugging for ages until Liam got called back. Along with few other girls and four boys called Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn. From that point it all changed.

They came third in the competition! During his time in the house we constantly text and rung each other. I met up with him and the boys a few times and was always there on the Saturday and Sunday when they performed and got there results. We used to hang out afterwards and over time I got to know the other lads!

That was two years ago. One Direction is now one if the most popular well known UK bands around, about to conquer America. When I go to London to attend University I will be living with all five of them in there large London house. Liam spent the summer with me, when we made the plans. Although I havent seen the other boys since XFactor due to the fact I had To much exams and couldn't visit them, we all regularly chat over video on Skype. I was leaving tomorrow morning to get a train to London, my new home!


Sorry this chapter was long, had lots to put in it! Check my twitter for chapter two which will be up soon! RT and tell me what u think, Ideas are appreciated and tell me if u think I should carry on!

Thank you:)

The Luck of the Irish- Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now