Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I woke up the next morning around 7 to the sound of heavy breathing. I felt a large warm hand rested on my stomach, it made me smile.

Niall had been so calm and relaxed about this, I expected him to freak. Liam reacted how I thought Niall would.

The boys had there concert tonight, they had to leave at 4 for the concert at 8.

I lay peacefully listening to the sound of Nialls breathing and the feeling of his chest rising and falling against my back. This was perfect. I felt like I could lie here all day.

After a half an hour I really had to pee. I tried to fight it but eventually I had to escape the comfiness of the warm bed and go to the bathroom.

When I'd finished I brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my tangled hair. I pulled it into a messy bun.

When I left the bathroom I realised Niall was awake.

'Morning sleepy head!' i said climbing into bed again and snuggling into him.

'Morning princess' he answered kissing my head.

We sat in silence for a few moments, I didn't know what to say.


'Yes honey?'

'The baby's going to be born around may, just so you know'

'Hmm I no sweetie'

'Are u scared?' I whispered


'Me too'

'Im sorry'

'For what?'

'For doing this to you, I should have used protection that night, I should have.'

'Hey, it's fine. We knew we'd have to face the consequences so we'll do it together okay?' I said looking up at him.

'How are we going to tell everyone though?'

'Well we can start by telling our families at Christmas when your home then we can deal with everyone after that'

'Liams defiantly going to be god father okay?'

'Yeah, I wouldnt have anyone else'

'Wanna do some sight seeing today?' I asked

'Id love too'

'Do think it's showing yet?'

'Whats showing babe?'

'The baby' I said pulling my t-shirt off.

'Hmm I don't think so' Niall said inspecting my stomach.

'What changes will you go through?' he asked.

'Well I searched it and I'm going to be really tired, hungry, my stomachs going to get bigger, obviously and my boobs are going to be hugggee!' I said laughing when his face lit up at the last part.

'I like the last one' he laughed.

'There going to be sore so no touching!' I said laughing with him.

'Well we'll have to make the most of it then won't we?' he mumbled kissing me.

'Hmm I like that idea' I muttered kissing him back.

*knock knock*

'Ughh' Niall mumbled pulling away.

Yawning he went to answer the door.

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