The Strength of Pegasus

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"Tomorrow, I need you to send a message to Gingka." Kyoya was talking Kiseki after Gingka and the kid had left. He didn't sound like his normal self.
"Okay? What's the message?"
"Tell him to meet me at Metal Tower for a bey battle."
"You'll have a huge advantage up there. The wind is so strong," Kiseki muttered.
"Exactly," Kyoya laughed as he began to walk away. "Oh." he turned around. "And take the little kid's bey for good measure."
"But, Kyoya! He's just a—"
"Just do it! Of all the face hunters you do the least. You should be surprised I still let you stay here."
"O-okay, I'll do it."
"Good. I expect to see Gingka Hagane at Metal Tower tomorrow."
"You will," Kiseki stated. She watched him walk away. This wasn't the real Kyoya. She could feel that something was wrong.


Kiseki couldn't believe she was about to do this. Stealing a beyblade from a child? It was so cruel... and yet, there she was.
She spotted the kid walking down the road. He was smiling and talking to his bey. Oh God, she thought, but there was no turning back now.
"Hi! What's your name?" Kiseki put on a fake smile and walked up next to him.
"I'm Kenta! What about you?"
"My name's Kiseki. That's a nice bey you have! May I see it?"
"Sure," Kenta beamed as he handed her the beyblade. He was so trusting of a complete stranger. "It's my Flame Sagittario."
"A strong stamina type, if you're willing to put in the effort to train with it." She stuck the bey in her pocket, and her fake expression faded.
"Hey, what are you doing?" He yelled at her and tried in vain to get his Sagittario back.
"I'm sorry Kenta, but I have to take this. You'll get it back, I promise. Just tell Gingka to meet Kyoya at Metal Tower, okay?"
"You're a face hunter?"
"Again, I'm sorry," Kiseki yelled back to him as she began to run away. "Just bring Gingka!" When she looked back the kid— Kenta— had tears in his eyes. She felt awful but she just kept running, all the way back to the face hunters. They congratulated her, but she didn't feel she deserved it.

Kyoya, Kiseki, and a group of face hunters were waiting on top of Metal Tower. It was really windy and she wished she'd brought a jacket. The other face hunters chatted and laughed, but she just stood away from everyone else. They had convinced her to give Sagittario to Benkei, but she had a feeling he wouldn't treat it well.
When Gingka came, he had two people with him: Kenta, and a girl Kiseki had never seen before.
The girl was talking to Gingka about something, but no one else could here her through the wind.
Benkei and Kyoya were talking trash to Gingka, but what really worried Kiseki was Benkei threatening to drop Sagittario of the tower.
"Kyoya, isn't that a bit much? He's just a kid!" She gestured at Kenta.
He turned to Kiseki. "If Gingka won't fight, he and his friends can pay the price." There was nothing she could do.
Without further ado, they started the battle. Kyoya and Leone used the same tactic as always, and stayed in the middle of the stadium. Gingka has no idea what's coming, she thought.
Pegasus attacked and, as expected, was flung back.
"Lion Gale Force Wall!" Kyoya used his special move. Gingka didn't stand a chance now. Pegasus was being caught in the wind. Kyoya continued with his bad trash talk; he knew Leone had Pegasus trapped.
Then, Gingka did something Kiseki hadn't expected. He attacked Kyoya, and his bey was sent flying. She sighed. Despite herself, she had ended up rooting for Gingka; she didn't want Kenta's bey to be dropped.
She glanced at Kenta and caught his eye. He was angry at her, and had every right to be. She had promised him, and yet Sagittario was still going to fall. She couldn't look any longer.
Instead Kiseki looked at Gingka, and, was she seeing right? He still had a smile on his face! But, why? That's when they all saw
it. It was Pegasus, coming down from the sky, not defeated, still spinning.
"Pegasus, Star Blast Attack!" Pegasus attacked Leone from above, striking hard and hitting it out of the stadium. He had used Leone's one weak spot: the eye of the storm. Incredible.
Kyoya fell to his knees in defeat, as Gingka caught Pegasus. Benkei dropped Sagittario in disbelief and it rolled over to Gingka. He thanked them for returning it and he left with Kenta and the girl. But before they were completely gone Kiseki met eyes with Kenta one last time.

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