A Place to Stay

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    Everything was going wrong. At least for Kiseki, that is.
    It all started when that man showed up. The man with evil in his eyes. He offered Kyoya victory. He defeated Kyoya in battle and then they were gone. She hadn't seen either of them since.
    Benkei disappeared after soon after Kyoya left. With those two gone there was no one left to protect Kiseki. She was the weakest. She didn't deserve to be a face hunter. They kicked her out onto the streets.
    And that's how she got in the position that she was in: following Kenta from a distance, ready to make a huge and incredibly unreasonable request. The child walked into a building; probably the place she was looking for. She waited a few minutes before she followed him in. Should she really do this? It was crazy! And yet, she only had crazy options left. She walked inside.
    It was a beyblade shop. Beys and parts covered the walls of the room. There was a small spiral stair case to a lower floor, but Kiseki believed it must be off limits. And, having a conversation over the counter, were Gingka, Kenta, and the girl that had been with them on Metal Tower.
Kiseki waited by the door, messing with her golden hair and shuffling her feet, waiting to be noticed but not really wanting to be.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the girl behind the counter said when she saw Kiseki standing near the entrance. "Were you waiting? I didn't even notice! Can I help you?"
After the attention from the girl, Kenta and Gingka turned around to look at her also. "Hey! You're the one who took my Sagittario!"
Kiseki had expected this, but that didn't mean she was prepared. She began pleading. "Kenta, I'm so, so sorry. Really . I had no choice, but at least you got it back, like promised..."
"Wait, a face hunter?" The nice girl's demeanor changed completely. "Face hunters aren't welcome here." She came out from behind the counter and started shooing Kiseki through the doorway.
"Wait! Please! I'm not a face hunter anymore!" They stopped for a moment. The commotion had caused everyone to look at her. She hated this much attention. "They kicked me out. Kyoya was the only one protecting me and he went off with some scary stranger guy in a helicopter and I'm too weak for the face hunters and I have no where to go and I just don't know what to do." Her voice started shaking near the end, and tears stung her eyes. "Please."
"Okay, I'll listen to what you have to say," the girl said, leading her toward the spiral stair case. They stopped before descending. "But first, what's your name?"
The girl smiled. "I'm Madoka. Madoka Amano." Madoka led her down the steps into a more homey room, with a couch and a desk and stuff like that. They sat down on the couch right as Gingka and Kenta came down the stairs. Kenta still didn't seem to trust her, understandably. It may take a little while with him.
"So, what's the story?" Gingka spoke first once he got over there.
"Well, I told you most of it already: Kyoya lost a battle to this guy and the guy took him away for who knows what to who knows where. Then Benkei disappeared and the face hunters kicked me out for being the weakest link. I guess I deserved it. I didn't really do much to help them."
"Benkei disappeared?" Gingka asked.
"Ummm, yeah. After Kyoya left he was just kinda gone."
"But Gingka battled him just yesterday," Kenta chimed in.
Kiseki's eyes widened and she stood up in excitement. "Really? Where?"
"This old, crumbling warehouse. The ceiling almost fell in on Gingka," Madoka exclaimed.
"Yeah, but Benkei saved him! I still don't get why, though."
Kiseki was astonished. "Why not! He may be a bully and a pig-headed jerk at times but he's not going to let someone die! The face hunters aren't monsters, they're just people who feel insecure or insignificant. They think that if they join Kyoya, it makes them strong."
"Hmm. Well, you must be a blader, too right? Whadaya got?" Gingka and the other two looked at her expectantly.
"Oh, umm..." Kiseki took her bey off of her belt. "Scythe Virgo T125RB." She held it up for them to look at.
    Madoka took out a small computer from her bag and began tapping on it. "Hmm. The spin track and performance tip seem to be great for stamina and defense, but it's attack isn't the best. A pretty good balance type, if you follow? The Metal face bolt adds to that balance. But the fusion wheel is something I've never seen before. Where did you get it?"
    "Sorry, But I've had it as long as I can remember. I don't really know." Kiseki shrugged apologetically. "But, there something I've been meaning to ask you," she said as she tucked her bey away, again. "I, umm, I need a place to stay. Just for a little while, I promise! And I'll work full time for no pay and do anything you ask. I know it's crazy, but this is my last option." Kiseki looked at Madoka, pleading with her eyes.
    "Well, I don't know. You still did take Kenta's bey and help that awful Kyoya..."
    "Kyoya's not as bad as he seems. Lately, though, he's been different. He's been cruel. I'm sorry about Sagittario. I know you'll probably never forgive me, Kenta."
    Madoka hesitated, then sighed. "Fine, you can stay for a little while. I'll train you up tomorrow so you can start working the next day.
    Tears threatened to spill from Kiseki's violet, eyes. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

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