Asking To Go To The Bathroom; Can I-? And May I-?

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So, I get slightly annoyed when I'm asking, "Can I go to the bathroom?" and my teacher says, "No because you didn't ask right." ....... Okay, FIRST OF ALL, I am asking right when I say Can. Why? Because if the teacher says no then I physically can't go to the freaking bathroom. Why? Because then I'll get in trouble. So yes, I am in fact asking right. Just because it TECHNICALLY isn't right doesn't mean you can unteach literally years of telling kids to ask if they can go to the bathroom. Because that is what it is. We, as Americans (not to say other teachers don't do the same thing, but I just know for a fact American teachers do it), are taught at a young age to ask if you can go to the bathroom, and if the teacher says no, we'll then guess you'll have the hold it until you can. This is literally what we are taught, subconsciously or not. STOP FREAKING CORRECTING ME WHEN I AM ASKING IN THE RIGHT WAY! Ugh!

Now that that is off my chest, yes I do in fact realize my ADHD has an unfortunate habit of completely derailing my thoughts and causing unfortunate accidents (*cough* accidentally deleting half of my chapter when I was just trying to change the words to italics *cough*), as well as distract me from what I'm supposed to be doing. But hey! It's at least a little entertaining!

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