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Taeyong had noticed for a few days that his little angel seemed uneasy.

So he decided to show her the greenhouse gardens, in hopes that she'd brighten her moods.

He convinced himself it wasn't because he cared, no not at all.

He would never care for a dirty, broken angel.

It was because, without Minju's knowledge, she was emitting her emotional torment onto those around her.

More importantly; him.

And he was sick of feeling her sadness and gloom.

Luckily Minju was strong enough now to start walking- well, more like limping with the aid of his shoulder.

Immediately her eyes lit up in awe at the life around her. So many flowers, so many colours; more than she'd ever seen at home.

It made her feel... warm and happy.

Taeyong sat beside her on the bench, questions playing on his mind. The angel had plagued his mind with so many conundrums, and he wanted answers.

"I would've expected to have your kin knocking down my door to get to you. So tell me something-" Taeyong leant forward in an intimidating manner, "- why the hell haven't they done just that?"

Minju felt her new found happiness diminish at his question.

Unbeknownst to Taeyong, she'd been expecting this since the very minute she woke up in that comfortable, luxurious bed.

Despite expecting this, that didn't mean she was any more ready for it.

"I rebelled against the angels.' Bluntly, she avoided the judging demon's gaze.

He'd raised his eyebrow in shock and he found himself almost... impressed by the small, seemingly fragile celestial.

Minju sighed sadly, "You may believe us angels to be all good and innocent, but I'm sad to say that we've turned obnoxiously cowardly and snobbish."

"After seeing demons with such free will, the angels began to question whether they really needed to obey or if that's what God wanted of them."

"Instead of using their gifts for good, they started to oppress humanity too ensure their hierarchy."

The girl let out a final sigh before turning to Taeyong, "I was ridiculed for my philosophy that angels should be good. I was cast out and told not to return until I finally understood the angels new purpose."

"But I'm afraid that I still don't quite understand their way."

Taeyong had sat silently. He wasn't too shocked from the news. All of demon kind assumed that angels would stray from God's oppressive obedience.

However he was surprised that Minju hadn't joined them and still meant good.

"I was going to throw you out the moment you woke up," he revealed as he broke the silence they'd created, "but since you and I are so much alike you can stay until you fully heal." And with that, he was gone; slightly confused at his generosity.

Minju cringed, was she really closer to a demon than an angel?

But then again

Was that such a bad thing anymore?

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