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Taeyong had brooded over Mark's words for a while before he decided to speak to Minju.

It seemed that he hadn't made a lot of time for her recently, what with the busy business, and unbeknownst to him, that made him feel glum.

Again, he was against the idea that Taeyong even remotely liked the girl, but his recent actions had spoken otherwise. And, if he were to be honest with himself, his actions had confused not only his fellow brothers but he himself.

Why did he keep Sicheng's whereabouts to himself, rather to give comfort to the broken angel? And why did his heart drop when he did so and think about his past actions?

Since Minju's arrival, Taeyong found that he was beginning to feel emotions he hadn't felt since he fell. From protectiveness, sadness and worry even to the tiniest part of him smiling.

It was... a comforting anomaly in his every day life.

Taeyong immediately knew where to find the girl judging by the darkness outside. It hadn't escaped his attention that she'd been avoiding not only him but the other boys that had arrived a few days before. So it was only logical that he'd find the girl lying in the bed he first put her in when she arrived. The guest room slowly turned into her own space.

The freckled girl slowly sat up as she saw Taeyong enter the room, snuggling slightly into a thick blanket.

He raised an eyebrow as he sat on the large bed next to her, "Where'd that come from?" gesturing to the blanket, which he was sure he hadn't given her and couldn't even remember owning in the first place.

She slowly started to pick at it, "Oh, Mark gave it to me when he came to talk to me. He mentioned that you don't put the heating on, and with the weather turning cold, he thought it'd help." Her golden irises met his luxurious honey brown eyes, happiness resonated within them.

Again Taeyong couldn't describe the feeling within his chest. One part was angry, angry enough to go out and kill a couple of humans just for fun. The other part was some sort of guilt, though he didn't know what for.

Perhaps because he'd forgotten she'd be cold.

It was silent a while, nothing but the ticking clock on the bedside table making noise and the soft rain outside against the windows.

The demon sighed, he didn't mind moments like this with her. It tended to be the only time in the day he'd ever get some sort of alluring peacefulness, before he had to set off again.

"Taeyong?" the sweet girl murmured, looking at the tall boy in inquiry. He hummed. "C-can I- um- I..."

He looked towards her, wondering why she was bumbling like an idiot, before realising what she was asking. His eyes slightly widened as he nodded curtly.

A light lit up in her eyes as she placed her head gently on his shoulder, softly wrapping both her arms around one of his. She smiled in content.

Taeyong almost felt pain in his chest when he felt the rate at which his heart was beating. It only beat this fast when he was infuriated (though that was a more common emotion for him before she came along)

He found it hard to relax, his tense postured became evident to Minju as she began to let go, realising that it was making him uncomfortable. She sighed, "I'm sorry if i-"

"N-no, it's okay," he muttered quietly, his voice layered with emotion. "You're okay." he felt his body relax when he felt her hand hold in his, softly running her thumb in circles against his palm.

Taeyong tried not to pull away, despite his discomfort, and cleared his throat, " Did Lucas come to talk to you yet?"

Minju sighed sadly, shaking her head. Taeyong's eyes darkened as well as his heart, he'd told the boy to come talk to Minju the moment he had the chance. Lucas had gone against Taeyong's direct order again. The angel noticed his grasp on her hand tighten, "Don't get angry." she muttered quietly.

He frowned deeply, slightly confused at her reluctance, "Why shouldn't I?"

She smiled melancholy, "Me being here is hard for him too. It'll take time for him to adjust that someone he once thought as a undying enemy is living within the same walls as he is. I understand because it's hard for me to adjust to the fact that there is more than one of you walking around the place." Minju patted his arm comfortingly, "Don't worry, he'll come around eventually."

Minju didn't want to admit to her friend that in a way Lucas was right in the things that he said. Although she didn't see herself as arrogant or self centered, she was most definitely selfish. She'd come to realise that a little after he'd had his outburst. Minju was indeed selfish in the way that she wanted to stay here, in a mansion of demons, rather than go back home.

She was selfish to want Taeyong to herself.

Again, she'd never admit this to him, in fear of ridicule and banishment, much like she'd suffered before by people she once thought of as family.

He noticed Minju's eyes start to droop, signalling that she was getting tired. It was very late, and what with the events of tomorrow, Taeyong knew she'd need as much energy as possible.

He squeezed her hand before letting go (ignoring the feeling of the warmth now removed) and began to leave the room. "Goodnight Minju."

She yawned, lying down once again before he arrived, "Goodnight Taeyong."

An incredibly rare minuscule pure smile cracked onto Taeyong's face as he witnessed her sleepy state. He turned her light off and went out the door.

But not before removing the smile on his face.

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