난 당신이 그리워요 • 04

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❝i thought i was okay,
but then i saw
you, and all my feelings
came rushing back.❞ 

- unknown


she smiled, but replied with "you remind me of someone i used to be friends with in the past."

- (after the fan meeting)

     "so what you're saying is that she didn't remember you, chan hyung?" the other aussie felix, questioned as he stuffed his face with more of the food they were eating. the curious boy thought about y/n some more and continued eating.
     "i didn't exactly say she didn't remember me felix, i told you she said i remind her of someone she used to be friends with." chan said as he explained to the younger one.
     "are you going to try becoming friends with her again? even after all those years?" felix asked back, and quickly gulped down some water. "well i mean if you are then, i suggest you plan something meaningful for her to forgive you. leaving and not saying goodbye? that's tough hyung." he patted his hyung's back and got up to get his makeup touch ups.
     "so much for making me feel better about this felix." chan said and shook his head before he leaned back onto the couch. chan rested his eyes for a few minutes until he heard a quiet vibration from his phone. 'had (y/n) gotten his number and actually decided to text him?' he thought to himself. he reached for his phone and unlocked it to only find a text message from the one and only hyunjin. two more vibrations came from his phone, making him think it was hyunjin double texting, and didn't bother to look at it.


     "hey (y/n) i think i saw bang chan write something else other than his signature on your album." she urged for you to give her the album amd flipped to chan's page. when she saw the number, she shut the album quickly and set it down on the coffee table in front of you two. "perhaps i was correct, he slipped you his digits." she said and unlocked her phone, opening twitter to scroll through.
     "no way yijeon. they're not even suppose to do that!" (y/n) replied and smacked her forehead.
     "well believe it now (y/n)! the bang chan just wrote his number for you, and besides you guys were best friends in the past, so reconnecting doesn't hurt." she said, continuing scrolling through her phone.
      "you're right, maybe i'll text him now?" you mumbled the last part, but your best friend got the gist of it.



uhh hey, is this chan?


is typing...


heyy it's me, chan.


(y/n) i hope from earlier you actually remembered me.


of course i remember you, i don't know why i wouldn't.


i know this seems kind of weird, but i just wanted to let you know i didn't forget about you, and that ya know.. i miss you.




- finally had the time to update wowo, but i hope whoever reads this enjoys this chapter.
- i have finals this week, but i'll definitely be updating at the end of week!♡

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