Chapter 3: Planting The Seeds of Doubt

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When Kin finally reached the rendezvous point, Midoriko and Shinku were waiting for her. They both looked like they had quite a battle as they both had blood on their clothes.

"Well? Did you get the scroll?" Kin asked her teammates.

"Um…well…not exactly." Midoriko timidly replied as if breaking some bad news to the raven haired Jashinist. "We ran into a slight snag."

"Yeah." Shinku grumbled as he wiped some of the still fresh blood on his hands on his shirt. "Just as we were about to attack those losers from Amegakure, a couple of huge snakes pop up from out of nowhere and those Ame-nin run like the cowards they are, leaving us to deal with the snakes."

"Under normal circumstances, this would upset me." Kin said with a frown that turned into a small grin. "Fortunately, I'm in too good of a mood."

"You found what you were looking for, Kin-chan?" Midoriko asked.

"Yes Midoriko, I did." Kin said as the memory of her encounter with Naruto replayed briefly in her mind. "But enough about me, let us focus on this part of the exam." The High Priestess looked over to her feral teammate. "Shinku, can you still track the Amegakure genin?"

"It'll take a bit of work, but yeah." Shinku replied.

"Good." Kin said as she drew her tri-scythe. "Slaughtering those cowards and offering their blood to Jashin-sama will be the perfect way to end today." The raven haired Jashinist looked over to her teammates. "Let us go. We have some hunting to do and the night is very young."

Shinku and Midoriko both nodded. A moment later, the trio from Yamigakure took off to hunt their prey.


Tracking the team from Amegakure didn't take nearly as long as Kin and her teammates thought. Apparently, the raincoat-clad shinobi weren't too used to giant reptiles attacking, so they were still fairly shaken up. Though Kin did have to admit, there seemed to be more of the giant snakes around than any other creatures, which was strange. In addition to the spies that the Jashinist sent to Konoha, Yamigakure also sent some spies to their own to help out with reconnaissance and the intelligence report on the forest that she and her team had gotten before heading to Konoha had stated that the giant reptiles were fewer in number and the Intelligence Department of Yamigakure were always pretty accurate when it came to recon.

"Like it all matters." Kin thought to herself. "Those cowardly heathens won't have to live in fear for much longer." The thought brought an evil smile to the High Priestess' face as she put her hands together as if praying. "Jashin-sama, your servant humbly asks you to bless the slaughter that is about to commence as I eviscerate these foolish non-believers in your name." Kin said in a low tone as she prayed to her god.

Shinku and Midoriko both overhead the prayer that their teammate just offered to the deity of her religion and in all out honesty, the green haired girl and the feral young man felt that they really should be used to the creepy crap that Kin and the other Jashinists of Yamigakure personified. As a whole, the Jashinists didn't really stick together in large groups, but a considerable number of them resided in Yamigakure. Neither Shinku nor Midoriko really knew all the details, but the story going around was that the Jashinists of Yamigakure and the Yamikage had some kind of agreement. The Jashinists would have a safe haven in the Darkness Village to practice their macabre religion. In exchange, the Jashinists would lend their numbers to Yamigakure's forces.

So far, the agreement was benefiting both sides rather nicely. Yamigakure had some powerful, albeit sadistic, allies and the Jashinists were adding to their numbers as there were a fair number of converts from the village who showed some interest in the religion. In a village that was comprised of some of the more bloodthirsty and sadistic shinobi and kunoichi in the Elemental Nations even before the Jashinists came to town, it wasn't too hard for some of Yamigakure's population to get behind a religion that frequently practiced the fine art of slaughter. Kin, Shinku and Midoriko's sensei was one such convert.

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