Chapter 7: The Ritual of the Acolyte

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Unknown Location

Within a large cave with a giant statue that had nine eyes, a figure made of dark energy appeared on one of the statue's fingers. "Alright everyone, meeting time." The figure spoke in a distorted voice.

Within moments, eight other dark figures materialized on the remaining fingers. "You summoned us, Pain-sama?" One of the figures with Sharingan eyes asked.

"Indeed I did Itachi." Pain replied before addressing the others. "I've summoned you here to inform you that we are going to be accelerating our schedule and begin our hunt for the Jinchuriki of the Tailed Beasts."

"Really?" "So soon?" One figure that looked more like a plant said in two different voices.

"If I may ask Pain-sama, why?" Another figure with green eyes and a mask asked.

"You need not concern yourselves with the reason." Pain replied. "All you need to know is that several opportunities to capture some of the Jinchuriki have presented themselves and are too promising to pass up."

This was met with some murmurs from some of the figures, while the rest simply remained silent. "For example, the Chunin Selection Examination is being held in the Village Hidden in the Leaves and the Jinchuriki of the One-tail and the Nine-tail beasts are said to be taking part in them." Pain said.

"Really now?" A figure with a sword strapped to his back said with interest.

"That sounds interesting boss man." Another with a ponytail said. "I've always wanted to show the leaf some of my art."

"Indeed." Pain said. "Itachi, Kisame, with the Nine-tails and the One-tail in the same place, you will work alongside Sasori and Deidara and capture them both. The four of you should be more than enough to handle the both of them.

"As you wish Pain-sama." Itachi said calmly while Kisame nodded.

"Yeah, this is gonna be a real blast. Right Sasori, my man?" Deidara said to his partner, a hunched over figure.

"Yes." Sasori said in a mechanical-sounded voice. "Plus, there are rumors that our old friend Orochimaru is planning something at the exams. I've been waiting a long time to properly demonstrate what happens to those who just up and leave the Akatsuki."

"What about the rest of us Pain-sama?" A figure with purple eyes and a tri-scythe asked.

"Hidan, you and Kakazu are to continue your current assignment and collect the bounties in the Bingo Book." Pain replied. "If you come across any Jinchuriki or beasts, capture them, but maintaining the organization's finances is your top priority." Hidan groaned at this.

"Hidan, shut up." Kakazu growled at his partner before turning towards his leader. "It shall be done Pain-sama."

"Excellent." Pain said as he turned towards the plant-like figure. "Zetsu, you know what you must do."

"Yes Pain-sama." Zetsu replied with his two voices.

"You all have your assignments, now get to them." Pain ordered as seven of the figures vanished, leaving Pain with the lone remaining figure with blue eyes.

"It's finally beginning my love." The figure said in a female voice.

"Yes Konan. The world will soon know true pain." Pain said before he and Konan vanished as well, leaving the cave and dark and silent as a tomb.

Hokage's Office

"We've looked everywhere Lord Hokage. There's no sign of Naruto Uzumaki." A rabbit-masked ANBU explained.

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