#1:~Big Things Happen

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A/N: Thanks for checking out my reader inserts! I just wanted to warn you that this one is a relatively long part but I plan to make the others shorter. Enjoy~!

    "Hello, (Y/N)," a very cute voice said directly beside you. You looked over to see who uttered your name when a creepy girl with long blonde hair and a rather frightening stare was looking back at you.

She sat herself down next to you on the bleachers and placed a big, white, and fluffy cat on her lap. Her skinny fingers stroked the cat with a stare that matched her own, both of them seemingly attacking you with their challenging eyes.

    "Uh, hello," you replied and nodded once at her before you turned your gaze back to the baseball field.

It was filled with players getting ready to start a baseball game and your eyes scanned each one carefully before they landed on the catcher.

You sighed an "oh" as you studied the male standing around by himself, his catcher's mask raised on the top of his head. He looked ready for the game to begin as far as you could see, his heavy eyes bore into nothing as he leaned against a pole.

The boy was so mysterious and you knew nothing about him.

Nothing except that he was an extraordinary baseball player and his name was-

    "Nassor!" Another player yelled, tossing the guy you've been eyeing, a bat.


You smiled to yourself. It was so hard for you to even think about that name as it sent your heart down a palpitating war zone of no return.

Suddenly, the strange girl spoke up to you again, knocking you out of your drooling daydream.

"Mister Whiskers had a dream about you last night, (Y/N)," she uttered, a tiny smile forming on her pink lips. The cat she called "Mister Whiskers" meowed up at you as he continued to stare deeply into your soul.

"Oh, really...?" You ask, furrowing your brows. You weren't really sure how to respond or if you should even continue to talk to her.

"Uh-huh," she nodded once and proceeded to take out a piece of what looked like paper towel, unrolling it to reveal a (the first letter of your first name)-shaped piece of cat excrement.

You looked completely grossed out and disgusted when she showed this to you and you leaned back, scooting away some.

"What the heck-,"

"It's an omen," she muttered, interrupting you. "Mister Whiskers here can tell the future and this is how I know..."

You kept the same almost terrified glare as you waited for her to continue, watching her put the "omen" back where she carried it from.

"When he dreams about you, big things happen," she continued. "I'm here to deliver the message..."

The girl frowned in slight jealousy and lifted her fluffy cat above her head and shook him around gently, the cat purring.

"When will you dream about me too, Mister Whiskers? I have been so patient with you," she sighed in disappointment at her psychic feline.


The encounter made you very uneasy but it was worth staying after school to watch such a great baseball game.

And to your great satisfaction, Nassor's team won...again.

You couldn't help but smile wide as your arms hugged your book and binder. You were the only student besides the girl with the cat left on the bleachers, watching the team wallow in their victory. Everyone but Nassor looked happy and it always brought you concern as to why he looked so miserable and maybe even angry all the time.

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