Cute injured wild animal!!!!!!

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Midnights POV

The sun shone brightly through my windows room it was so peaceful that I heard the most graceful thing in the universe upon waking up

"Lil!!! Get your butt down here and eat your breakfast oh! BTW your gonna be late for school" my mom yelled from down stairs in the kitchen I yawned and said

"Alright mom" I said "give me just a minute"


"Huh what a hopeless case" said my mom

I quickly jumped off my bed took a quick shower then brushed my teeth and did my hair I wore an outfit I made myself technically my dad sent it to me from the city I refused to take the dress but took the artificial fairy ears and wings and I made the dress my self it had had gold paints and red heart so I wear on it black leggings and a small shirt but in Halloween I wore it without the shirt and leggings because of my mom but it still looked adorable even though it was a bit bigger than me but next year I'm grade nine and I'm fifteen so it will fit perfectly I wear it when I have training lessons since everyone has an expensive beautiful high class outfit but I don't care because it looks adorable I have an image of a girl in my village who had the same freaking hair style as me and hair dye but here her brown hair was a bit visible I let her try it on for me in Halloween because the dress was bigger than me

I wrapped up my bed and headed down stairs and ate my breakfast quickly and stood to see my brother or butler Lowey I smiled and waved

"Hey~ Lowey" I looked at him and his red hair was wet and his crimson eyes were looking at me in anger as if he saw a ghost and his whole body was,wet. He gave me a creepy smile then said

"Oh midnight!!! Do you know what happened to my TOWEL!!" He said in an angry tone I slowly shrugged and ran he started chasing after me I ran and took my sword and it's cover then ran to the others they were about to leave but then they saw me on sight and they stopped and waved at me I closed my eyes and ran faster than I ever did in my life I got tripped by a rock and fell on my head it wasn't such a serious damage so I just stood up and rubbed my head bowed and said

"Shall we go?" I questioned raising an eyebrow and everyone INCLUDING the teacher laughed at me humph

"Yes we shall" the teacher said and held to my hand and dragged me into the forest with the others we trained so hardly on swords in the forest I can barely feel my hands ugh after 5 minutes of rest we had to start race climbing and my friend Christina but I call her Chris for short it's way simpler than that anyways she turned out the first one obviously she has a beautiful long yellow hair and emerald eyes that shine in the sun she is kind strong arrogant not the total fact that my arrogance is waay beyond her's but she only shows her arrogance to me. Oh she's also caring and girly super GIR-LY like seriously but that's what made us friends at the begining we're competitive with each other, were complete opposite some times and we love getting on each others nerves. after the race she walked up to me and said hi then she did the first thing that I suspected

"Oh men I rubbed your dust on the floor hah try to top that speed on climbing I minutes 5 seconds keke!!" Bragging... I was so tired but I stood up not to show her that I was weak and tired at the moment I jumped on my feet from the tree I was leaning on then said to her


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