Chapter 4

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Natasha's POV (you weren't expecting that were you XD)

There's definitely something weird going on with this kid. Why is he here? What happened? I think he is around 15 or 16, wayyy too young to be a superhero, and he looks sad. His facial expressions and body language are all slouchy and slow. He might have depression. I'll have to remember to tell Tony that. I don't think he has even touched his food, which isn't normal for a teen, and with his super-metabolism he should be eating at least twice as much as the average teenager. He might also be anorexic. So why?
Tony POV
Why isn't he eating? I understand that maybe the grief is taking over but he has to eat!
"Hey, kid, you should eat something. I promise it isn't poisoned!"

"...I'm not really hungry Mr.Stark"

"First, it's Tony, and second, could you at least take a bite? You need to eat more, especially because of your metabolism."

"I...ugh...may I be excused?" His shakey voice made it clear that he didn't want to be there.

"OK...We'll be in the living room if you need us..."

"Yeah, thanks" He said with the same wavery voice as before. He quietly left the room, and everyone turned to face me.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Simultaneously everyone yelled at me saying "SPILL!"

"I...I ugh can't, all I'm allowed to tell you is that he's young, and because his parents died early-on he lived with his aunt and uncle. He recently had a family emergency and had to come here for a while. Please don't ask him about it, he's a bit sensitive."

"What happened? With his family I mean?" Cap asked, looking concerned. I knew he might be mad that I brought a child to the tower without asking my boyfriend... Yeah, we're dating, get over it. The team doesn't know yet though, so we have to pretend we hate each other's guts most of the time. Yeah, I know it sucks, but we're not ready to tell anyone yet.

"I'm not allowed to tell, like I said earlier. Peter will tell you when he is ready."

"OK, well, do you mind if I went to check on him? I just want to make sure he is alright, I promise I won't pry!"

"Fine, but like I said, he's a bit sensitive right now, so go easy on him, kay?"

"Yeah, I know, thanks Tony"


Cap's POV

While walking down to his room, I heard Peter talking to himself. I stopped to listen, but all I heard was a lot of "It was all my fault"'s and "She died because of me"'s. So someone died? Oh no...he's blaming himself! That's not OK. It definitely wasn't his fault, unless he murdered someone in cold-blood, but I highly doubt that sooooo yeah, not his fault. I quietly knocked on the door and heard a "just a sec" in answer. After a few moments of silence Peter answered. 

"Uh...hi....ummm" He trailed of, confused by my presence.

"Um... may I come in?" I awkwardly walked across the room and gently sat down on the bed.

"So... ugh... are you okay? Like I know this is a horrible question, but you don't seem very happy. I know some 'family emergency' occurred, but I don't know what exactly happened, and you really don't have to tell me but I would think you would want to become happier, and I know from experience that talking helps. It's okay if you don't want to share, but...sorry I'm rambling..."

Silence. Then Peter breathed in, out, and he started talking.

"My uh, my parents died when I was really young. They were coming back from a business trip overseas, and the plane crashed. I don't remember them much, just bits and pieces. The only family I had left was my Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Everyone else was dead, so I went to live with them. I was happy. I had a somewhat normal life, and I gradually came to terms with my parents death. But tragedy struck again. It was a day after I got my powers, and I had a fight with my Uncle earlier about them, so I went on patrol. I made the mistake of letting a robber go. It was stupid, but I was new at this whole 'vigilante' thing. That same robber shot my Uncle only a few minutes later. 'With great power comes great responsibility'. That was the last thing he said to me. He died because of me, because MY stupid mistake. Me and my Aunt were a wreck. I didn't go to school for months, and Spider-man was non-existent. We never fully recovered, but it was decent. I slowly got back to a somewhat normal routine. Wake up, go to school, be Spider-man, come home around 2 AM. It wasn't exactly healthy, but it was a coping mechanism. Life was sort-of okay. Then Mr.Stark found me and we went to Germany, and I stole your shield, remember! That was fun." He smiled, and the whole room lit up. But then he got sad again. "But then Aunt May...she got killed...murdered...3 days ago...I couldn't save her...I wasn't there in time...on the floor in a puddle of her own blood...knife in her heart...dead...I killed her...she's dead..."

He started shaking and crying. Shit I need Tony in here now!


Not even 2 seconds later, Tony was in the room.

"Wha...what happ- Oh my god PETER! OK STEVE OUT! I SAID OUT! OK hey calm..."


Tony POV

Peter's having another panic-attack! Shit shit shit shit shitttt! What worked last time? I ugh I snapped him out of it first right? Yeah that's what I did...

"Hey Pete I'm here, okay, I'm here okay? You need to snap out of it Peter! Please Pete.... Please Peter, wake up!"

I think he snapped out of it, thank Asgard (...don't judge me okay...).

"Hey I'm here Pete, I'm here... You're safe OK, you're fine..."


.....please don't kill me.... I'M SORRY I'M A TERRIBLE AUTHOR JUST DON'T KILL ME!!!!!! I don't really have an excuse though so you deserve to kill me so... I guess just take me Satan, please! I promise I'll try to update more often, but no promises. Ok I'll go before you can actually kill me tho so....BYE MY AMAZING NINJA SPIDER PUNKROCK UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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