To Adam

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To: Adam
From: Emily

Dear Adam,
It's been awhile.
For some reason unbeknown to me you still occupy space in my mind. My third grade love
Of course you have a special spot.
My first love
My first valentine
You were the first guy to like me. I fell in love with the idea of you liking me. Not you. For that I am truly sorry.
You asked me to be yours, your valentine. Flowers and the whole ordeal, cliché but beautiful. 
I said no.
I denied the gift.
I fell for you later on though.
I fell for you because you didn't want me anymore.
How selfish.
I loved you in fourth.
I loved you in fifth.
But in sixth...
I moved and didn't think of you again until later on in my life.
I want to thank you for being my first few things. You gave me an example of what a good guy was like. I guess I forgot it then.

With much love,
Emily Abril 

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