cleaning out the attic

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"Valerie how is the packing going?" My mom asked.

"I'm almost finished i only need to check the attic" i replied.

I went upstairs to the attic. I found some old picture books with my name on it and some nice stuff that i could use as decoration for my new house. When i had all the stuff i went downstairs back to my room and put the last things in my box.

"I can't believe my little princess bought a house with her boyfriend and is moving in today" my mom said while she slowly started crying.

"Oh mom don't cry or else i'm gonna start crying too" i said to her.

"I'm so sorry baby you just grow up so fast, sometimes i wish you where still little" she said while the tears rolled down her cheeks.

" I just hope that Braden will take care of her and not hurt her" my dad said.

" He will dad i will be fine" i said


"He's here, dad can you help me with the last two boxes?"

"Off course sweetheart" he said

We both grabbed a box and brought it to Braden his car. I said my goodbyes said to my parentts that they could come over at thursday and got in the car. Then me and Braden drove to our own house. When i came home i started to unpack the last few things. Laid down on my bed and started texting my friend Rhena.

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