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I laid there in bed texting Rhena

I had the perfect idea for the video

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I had the perfect idea for the video. I'm going to show him my bedroom which is covered in peep posters. Also i'm gonna show him my merchandise while his music plays in the background.  Nah fuck that i ain't gonna film it myself. I give Rhena a call to see if she wants to join the video and ask if Damion can come to film us. The only thing is most of my stuff is at my house, my own house.... Ah well fuck it i can't stand it any longer here with my parents now that they want me to see a psychiatrist, i'm moving back.

My parents where gone for the rest of the day. I packed my remaining stuff and left a note saying i'll be back at my own house. I already had called Rhena, and i was just about to text Damion before i left.

 I already had called Rhena, and i was just about to text Damion before i left

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So i first went to the liquor store and bought some good alcohol. Then i drove off to my house. Rhena and Damion where already waiting outside my house.

''Hey Val''.  Rhena said to me as she came over for a hug.

''Hi Rhena, hey Damion. How are you guys?''  i asked them.

''We're good, you told us you're moving back in your old house. Even after everything that happend between you and Braden.''  Damion said.

'' I do everything as long as i don't have to be around my parents cause i can't handle them anymore now.''  I said.

As we went inside i totally lost it. I started crying and i got angry. It took a while but Damion finally got me under control. 

''Here i've got something for you to relax.''  He said as he pushed me softly onto the couch.

I fell onto the couch.

''What do you have Damion''  i asked.

He pulled a little bag out of his coat. It was small zip lock bag. Then he grabbed some more stuff.

''Here i'll roll some blunts to smoke for the three of us.''  He said while he started grinding the weed.

''Are you sure that this will work?'' i asked.

''Off course it'll work baby.'' Rhena said. 

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