1. Returning nightmares

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"I love you," I told her lifeless body. The body that once belonged to my best friend. My only friend. The only girl I loved. It was hard to see her there. Dead. The color was gone from her face. Her eyes were closed which meant I would never see her beautiful big brown eyes that always looked hazel in the sun's rays. Her laugh is what I'll miss the most it could brighten up anyone's dull day. But she was gone now and there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing that could change it. There was no way for me to be with her anymore. No way for me to tell her how I actually felt about her. Unless I did the one thing for me to stop suffering.

My body sprung from the bed as if it had just given me an electric shock. I woke up sweating again, at least this time I wasn't screaming like last time, but my sudden actions of getting up and gasping for air still awoke her. And I hated waking her up.

"What's wrong?" she asked me. I looked into her eyes, all the what I could with the minimum light in our room that was coming from the hall. The hall's light just had to be on because Sadie had convinced Milo that wherever there was darkness any monster could hide there. So it was that light or they were all sleeping with their rooms lights on and we could not have that. And Lucas had barely begun to start sleeping in his own room again. The look of tiredness came across those big brown puppy dog eyes, I couldn't possibly tell her what I was actually having a nightmare about again. It'll just seem as if there was no progress since the last time.

"Nothing. What time is it?" I asked trying to not touch on that subject again, but it was no use I knew she wouldn't leave me alone now.

"Jasper Henry McKay tell me what had you sprinting out of bed and sweating as if you just ran a marathon seconds ago this minute. I am your wife goddammit." she now had her arms crossed in front of her chest. I really wanted to laugh because ever since we got married eight years ago she would always love to play the 'I am your wife' card. I have been lying to her lately because my nightmares should have been long gone by now I mean I don't pay for therapy for nothing.

"It was the same dream of what almost happened years ago."

"Jasper." she looked deeply into my eyes and soon enough looked to my hand and grabbed it with her tiny pair. I knew that it was always such a sensitive subject, that's why I never liked to remind her of it. "You can talk to me about it, it's in the past and it didn't happen." 

With a sigh, I explained to her why I continue to think back to that horrible time.


 This might be pretty terrible but this is just the beginning of

this book and I had to start it somewhere and the characters will stay the same but just picture them 11 years older. This is the sequel to "The Boy Who Fell Too Hard".

How do you guys imagine their futures?

xoxo dia

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