2. first day of kindergarten

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"Honey he's going to be late. Were all going to be late." I screamed from outside waiting for the rest of my family to get out of the house and into the car. It was Lucas' first day of kindergarten, Milo's first day of daycare, and Sadie's first day of first grade. It was a big day for the McKay kids and a sad one for us.

"I know. I'm going. I'm going." First one out of the house was Lucas ready with his brand new paw patrol backpack and light up Spider-Man shoes that he really wanted because he was 'officially' going to school now. Three minutes later Sadie came out tugging at her braids that she said were for little girls and that she was a big girl now.

I was about to shout again when Clementine came out with Milo in her arms dressed up in the dinosaur outfit he really wanted to wear today.

"Now that wasn't so hard. Was it?" She asked. She already knew it bugged me whenever we were late somewhere.

"No. Now hurry we're ten minutes late already."

"Fine. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" She began to place Milo in his car seat between Lucas and Sadie. We were already settled in and about to leave our driveway when Milo began to cry.

"His bottle. I forgot to bring his bottle." Cleo said already running out of the car and into the house.

"How about we just skip the first day you guys?" I asked all three kids in the back row. To only two responding with yes'. "I'm just kidding you guys. You do know that this is a very important day for your mom too right?"

"Why?" The two talking children asked.

"Because your mother and I met in kindergarten." The kids gasped.

"Really?" Sadie asked while looking at me through the mirror.


"Wait does that mean I'm going to meet someone too?"

"Don't get so far ahead of yourself there Lucas. You'll be lucky if one girl will even come up to you today. At this age, girl's probably think you have cooties."

"What are cooties dad?" I never knew what exactly cooties were so I really don't know how to respond to him right now. But thank god Sadie jumped in and explained to her brother what cooties were. God my daughter is smart she got all that from her mother. At that moment Clementine got in the car and was finally ready. Which meant we were ready to go. 

We got to the school where we were dropping off two of the kids. Sadie had Ms.Colyer this year and she was the best teacher for her, Cleo and I had her back when we were both in first grade and it makes me happy that she'll have Sadie now. Lucas, on the other hand, had Mrs.Frayas and he will not be happy about that because she's been known to be a very harsh teacher even if it is just kindergarten. 

"Lucas when you get home there'll be a surprise waiting for you," I told him before we left.

"What is it?" he asked gripping the sides of my arms as to contain his excitement.

"Now what kind of surprise would it be if we told you?"  Clementine told him which made him look down.


"Now go before class starts. Have a good day bebe." his mom said.


So here you guys have the 2nd chapter of this sequel which I don't know if you guys noticed was supposed to be like a reference to 'Kindergarten Troublemakers'. Please tell me what you guys think about this chapter. Do you like it do you not like it?

The Girl Whose Dream's Came TrueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora