3. crush culture

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Clementine's POV

As promised we bought the kids some surprises, which were just some kids meals from McDonald's. I mean how much of a surprise could it have been? But as always I knew well how picky my kids are so I double checked I got everything correct.

I gave Milo his bottle and placed him in a little rocker so that he can be able to take his nap. I turned to see that my other two kids were already seated in their chairs waiting on me to tell them which box was for who. "Lucas. Cheeseburger extra pickles and extra fries. And Sadie cheeseburger holds the pickles and cheese and apple slices?" I asked then they both nodded, thank God I finally got it right this time if any of them got the wrong thing I would not hear the end of it.

As soon as they both finished up eating Sadie went straight to her room. Something having to do with a project for her science class. But on the first day? Strange. I was about to take Milo up to his crib upstairs when I noticed Lucas staring blankly at the table with these big sad eyes like he was so concentrated in thinking about something. And let me tell you something my son is always a happy ray of sunshine with a smile that could melt ice. So, I don't know why he's all of a sudden down? I asked him what was wrong.

"It's nothing." he stayed silent while I gave him THE stare. It's just that there's this girl in my class and her names Alison and well she talked to me. She was the first one to actually come up to me." there was a slight smile starting to appear on his mouth.

"Well, she sounds like a special little girl dude."

"She is mommy, she is. I even think I have a crush on her." wow this might just be the very first time hearing my own son say he likes someone other than himself.

"What makes you think you have a crush on her?" I ask him. 

"I dunno mommy . She's nice. Sh-She smiled a lot when we talked. Just like you and Daddy. An-And she sits next to me on the carpet when we have to sing." he said with a dazed look.

"Well buddy. Uhm that sure means something alright. Yeah that's reasonable." I mean how do I respond to that the boy is appears to be hypnotized by this Alison.

"Go upstairs and change Lucas. Later we can watch a movie when daddy gets home. Alright?" 

"YES. YES. YES." he nearly fell trying to run up the stairs while taking his clothes off at the same time. 


Sorry for taking forever to write this lol but I mean it's now or never am I right. Well, I hope you enjoy this very short chapter.

xoxo dia

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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