Chapter Forty

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"What?! Who?" I ask quickly. "She didn't have-" Meredith starts but gets cut off by a janitor closet banging open in front of us. Scarlett comes out, zipping up her pants, and Seth follows behind her as he buttons his pants.

"Hey guys." Scarlett says as she sees us. "Don't tell me you guys were doing what I think you were." I say as I stare at them. "Actually, we were." Seth says.

"Eww!! In a janitor closet, at a funeral! At your friends funeral!" I say a bit angry towards the end.
"No her funeral is over, this is a reception, and I needed something to take my mind off of Haley. If I didn't I would be in hysterics right now." Scarlett explains. "But why in a janitor closet?" I ask as I shake my head. "We wanted privacy." She says.

"Can we stop talking about Scarlett and Seth's sex life." Meredith says uncomfortably. "Can we head over to my house already, so we can get away from these posers and have an actual party dedicated to Haley." I ask. Everyone says yes so I go to find the others.

I quickly find Coby consoling Jace in a corner. After some persuasion Jace comes with us, along with Coby. I search around a little bit and find Pat and his parents talking to Haley's parents.

"Hey babe." Pat says as he pulls me in and gives me a tight hug. He pulls away a little and looks at my face. "How are you doing?" He asks. "Not good, but I could be worse. I just-" I say.

"Is that you Abbi?" Haley's mom says cutting me off. "Yes it is Mrs. Parish." I say through gritted teeth. "I haven't seen you since you were 15, you grown into a beautiful young lady." She says, then as if she notices she stopped her act she pulls me from Pat's arms and embraces me.

She sobs into my shoulder, but I immediately pull her off and I made it a point to not be gentle. "Maybe if you were a good parent and came to see your daughter you would have seen me recently." I say angrily. "Excuse me young lady. But me and my wife were wonderful parents." Haley's dad says offended.

"Since when is sending your child off to live with grandparents she had never met wonderful parenting?! And some one please tell me how ignoring your daughter and not being there for her her whole life is such great parenting!" I ask yelling at Haley's parents.

Before they can respond Pat pulls me out of the room. He wraps his arms around me trying to calm me down.

"How can they act like that after all they put her through?" I ask Pat. "Some people can't see that what they do is wrong." He says. "I only went near them to get you. Everyone's going to my house for a party that will have the people who actually loved Haley." I tell him. "Well then what are we doing standing here?" He asks.

We head over to my house and find everyone already inside, (due to the fact that they know where my spare key is hidden). We go in and join the others in the living room. There's a table set up in front of the couches with alcohol and shot glasses on it.

"What's all this for?" I ask confused. "Well we were all taking a shot each time we told something only we knew about Haley, but you guys took so long to get here that we're about to play never have I ever." Scarlett says. "Why?" Pat asks confused. "We all need something to relax us and take our mind off the current situation." Seth explains.

"Alright, I'll go over the rules incase you forgot them. We go in a circle and each person says something they've never done, if you have don't it you take a shot." Coby explains.

We all get in a circle around the table and Meredith starts off.

"Never have I ever had sex." She says.
We all take a drink and I see her look at Coby a little sad. Next it was Jace.

"Never have I ever snuck into someone's house." He says.
Everyone drinks except for Meredith, she makes it a point to give Coby another sad look. Next it was Pat.

"Never have I ever done drugs." He says.
The only person that drinks is Coby. Meredith gives him a confused/pissed face.

"What? I got drunk at a party and smoked some weed." He says defending himself. Meredith just ignores him. Next it is me.

"Never have I ever robbed somewhere." I say.
Nobody takes a drink but I see Meredith giving Coby a look that says she thinks he's lying. I guess Meredith is finding out a lot of new things about Coby tonight. Next it is Scarlett.

"Never have I ever been to jail." She says.
All the guys take a drink.

All of us girls look at them surprised. "We had a little to much fun one night, and the cops busted us at a party for underage drinking." Pat says. Next it was Seth.

"Never have I ever had sex with a girl while her parents were there." He says.
We all give him a shocked look but then even more surprising Coby takes a drink. Meredith doesn't even bother looking his way anymore. Next it was Coby.

"Never have I ever stolen from a friend." He says.
No one drinks but Meredith stands up all of a sudden.

"Are you sure about that?! Cause it seems like you've done every other fucking thing. Let's see you've fucked a girl, you probably fucked the same fucking girl while her parents where there, you've done drugs, you've been arrested, you've snuck into someone house who was probably that whore you fucked! I don't even know who you are! And I find it a load of bullshit that you've never fucking robbed a place because if you can have sex with a girl in the same house as her parents then I wouldn't put robbery underneath you!" Meredith yells at Coby.

Then she storms but of the house. Coby runs after her but I hear her car speeding out of the driveway and Coby yelling after it.

After waiting for a while I get up and head into my kitchen. I still haven't forgotten about the conversation me and Meredith were having earlier. I call her and she picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Meredith. I'm sorry to bother you after what happened with Coby, but I think we need to finish our conversation that Scarlett interrupted at the funeral home."
"Yeah I think that's a good idea. Can we meet at Haley's house at 4, because we need some stuff from her room to figure some things out?"
"Sure. I'll see you then."

I hang up and look at the clock. It's already 3:30 so I get everyone out of the house.

Then I grab my jacket and head to Haley's house.

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