The most powerful being.

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Name : "Loresh Etheria, If you speak Dark Angelic. If you don't, It's Lukas Etheria."
Age : "2.3 Millennia. Yeah, I'm old. Don't remind me."
Gender : "Male. I have the parts to be a male, I'm a male."
Sexuality : "Straight. I have a wife, after all."
Looks : "Right in front of you."
Personality : "I'm kind, caring, compassionate, heroic, I will sacrifice myself for others, I always do my best to save and protect others. I am emotionally volatile. The demon side of me is ruthless, unforgiving, cruel, and just overall horrible."
Normal self :

"Normal self :

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Demon side :

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Demon side :

Weaponry : "I can use any weapon I touch

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Weaponry : "I can use any weapon I touch. Although, My main weapons are my dual sickles, which are attached to chains which are inserted into holes in my arms, latched onto the bone. My other main weapon is a double bladed great sword. The demon side of me uses his claws, and his sharp teeth."
Powers : "I have complete control over the elements, I am insanely strong, I am deadly smart, I am insanely agile, And If I die, the demon side of me comes out, heals my wounds, and takes over. He isn't nice. I am nearly unkillable in the fist place."
Bio : "Oh boy. Here we go. I was born to Akro and Beaal Etheria. Akro was an arch Demon. Beaal was an arch Angel. They were executed after the angels found out I was born for treason. I was thrown onto the streets, and taken in by Slyahsu Cornuthiir. Her daughter was Alissya, or Alice, Cornuthiir. They were angels, but they were nice. They looked after me until I was 5. Alice's father and Slyashu's Husband, was killed in the war against the demons after he was forced to go. I was taken from their house at the age of 5, and put into slavery. Me and Alice met every night, after my work time was over. I continued this until I was 7, where after a torture session after I rebelled, I died, but came back when the demon side of me first appeared. That night was the first night I had not seen Alice. I continued slaving until I was 15 years old, each night I went to see Alice. At the age of 12, We realized we liked each other as more than friends. But... when I was 15 years old, I led an uprising of other dark angel slaves. We had won, but we had to leave the planet. In turn... leaving Alice behind. From then on, my next great feat I defeated a reaper. I claimed his scythe, and that was my first weapon, and I still have it. I completed many heroic feats, and eventually, I died for the first time. I came back a day later, where Neos confronted with me. He turned me into a god. The god of order, chaos and Balance. From there, It became my job to protect the 12 realms from any threat that came our way. I became the unkillable god. I was eventually reunited with Alice, and eventually she became my wife, and the mother of our twins. Lacey, And Zachary. That, so far, is my story. That was in a span of a few millennia, by the way."

Universe : "I come from the center universe. I am the only version of me."

Likes : "I like my Wife, My kids, Dark Angelic Whiskey, Dark Angelic Pork Roast, And being happy."

Dislikes "The demon, evil, The Lord of Order, The lord of Chaos, and the lord of Balance."

Scenario : Make one up. He's a versatile character.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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