Chapter 3

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The cities and towns soon became no go areas for decent people. The resources in the urban centres would only last for a while and then the criminals would abandon them too. Groups were beginning to be formed as the survivors sought safety in numbers. Vicky and Bree discussed their next moves almost every night. They had been lucky so far but eventually someone would intrude upon their isolation and if their intentions were not good they were not in a position to fight back.

"We can't stay here forever." Bree needed to get out into the world.

"Where would we go?"

"There are people out there. We see them. Groups will be getting together and organising some sort of society. We need to find one."

"It worries me. As I keep saying, not all people are good. We could end up in a lot of trouble."

"If we stay here we could end up dead. We are running out of food.

They had learned about the countryside mainly through trial and error. They hacked at trees with an old axe to get firewood and they experimented with herbs picked from hedgerows in their cooking. Vicky hacked, Bree studied the problem and wielded her axe with strength and skill. Her aunt wondered where she had honed that talent and how she had grown so strong.

Bree was also training herself to be some type of ninja warrior and practised her moves in the garden. An array of implements to use as weapons on her imagined foes had been assembled. From the moment she had picked up a knife it had felt comfortable in her hand and she could hit any target when she threw it. Vicky would watch her and worry about the fact that she was so prepared to fight. This world had made them think about doing the unthinkable.

"It's getting harder and harder to find food. Yes, leaving the cottage is scary but we have to eat". Vicky and Bree had gone around and around weighing up the pro's and con's of their situation but they both knew what they would have to do. The cottage had felt safe but as time passed an awareness of the limitations of being so isolated pressed in. Curiosity about what was out there was winning over fear.

At some point they would have to leave their cosy cottage and find a larger group to join who could provide the security that they needed. Winter was a struggle however much they tried to prepare for the food shortages which would inevitably occur. Fruit and vegetables were collected and stored carefully, but there was never enough. The foraging trips took them further and further away from their home and that made the risk of encountering strangers more likely.

Bree was now fifteen and Vicky decided that they would head out in the spring. If they had to sleep outside the weather would be better although it would still be cold. Their possessions were packed and a goodbye said to their home. A journey into the unknown lay ahead. The debate about leaving had raged for many months. After a hard winter there was no choice. There must be settlements out there inhabited by decent people trying to build a new life in this tough world.

"Are you ready?" Vicky looked nervous.

"It's the right thing to do. There is nothing left for us here. I will miss our home but I'm SO ready to go."

"Now remember, we can't approach the first set of people we see. Observe first and then, if everything looks okay, we move in."

"I know. It'll be okay. I can tell whether they are good or bad."

"Oh, this again."

Groups had formed but they were not necessarily civilised. There would always be people who did not want to work for a living and those of this persuasion formed gangs who stole from others. They lived without rules which made it as dangerous to be a member of their group as it was to be one of their victims. The criminals tended to not cover up, wearing their scars with pride and as a badge of their badass credentials. It made it easier to avoid them and not get embroiled with the wrong sort.

When Vicky and Bree had left the cottage, they had armed themselves with a number of knives. They hoped that they would never have to be used on people but had discussed the possibility that this may happen. How would they react in a life or death situation? Would they be able to take a life in order to protect their own? All too soon their mettle would be put to the test.

To a certain extent they were wandering aimlessly trying to find a secure place to live. Vicky had suggested that they walk through fields near to roads. They would see if anybody was travelling on the thoroughfares and would be able to decide whether to approach or not. Towards the evening on the fifth day of their journey they headed towards a small copse to use as shelter for the night.

Vicky and Bree had crouched behind a hedge earlier in the day as a gang on motorbikes roared past. These men did not look like representatives of a benevolent band of people. Since then the tension had risen. This may be the territory these people called home. Vicky had barely set foot inside the copse when she heard a noise.

Bree had been feeling more and more uneasy as they approached the wooded area. It was like some sort of radar indicating that danger was imminent. The moods and motives of people, even before they said anything, was an open book. It was a handy gift, but in this new world it could prove to be crucial. The tension in her aunt's stance told of a problem. What was going to happen?

There was movement to the right of Vicky and she turned to face the impending threat. A man with a ravaged face was grinning at her, at least it could have been a grin. His face was so twisted it was hard to tell, and then he spoke.

"Where's your little friend lady?" He must have been watching her and Bree approach the woods. Vicky looked around aware for the first time that her niece was not with her and she shrugged at the man in response.

The ravaged man took a step towards her and Vicky drew a knife from her belt. This action was met by laughter from the man who was not in the least bit threatened by it. Bree was behind a tree on the edge of the copse barely breathing in her effort to remain undiscovered. Footsteps announced the approach of another man. The knife was taken out. Deep calming breath and then throw.

The knife left her hand and spun through the air towards her target. There had not really been a decision to attack it was more of a reflex. The hours of practice undertaken with the weapon had increased the chance of success. The blade embedded itself into the back of thug number two. A surprised grunt escaped his lips as he collapsed to the floor and thug number one stopped laughing.

The arrogance of the ravaged man evaporated and his head whipped back and forth as he sought the knife thrower.

"Who's there? Come out now and I won't hurt you."

Vicky took the opportunity to back away from her distracted assailant and this exposed him to Bree. A second blade was launched and slammed into the throat of the large panicking man. A look of shock registered briefly on his face before he sank to his knees and then pitched forward driving the weapon further into his neck.

Vicky looked at each of the bodies and her legs gave way beneath her. Shock was setting in.

"I know you had to do it but it's still awful."

Bree reflected on the events and struggled to share her aunt's horror. What did those men have planned for them? They could have been raped and murdered. At the very least they would have been raped. It was not a time for hesitation. There had been no pleasure in the act, it was simply necessary. Bree had adapted to the new world order with more ease than Vicky.

Her aunt watched as Bree collected her weapons and wiped the blood off on the clothes of her victims. Their pockets were searched for anything useful.

"They probably have transport nearby. Let's have a look around and see what we can find."

Vicky regarded her niece and was both impressed and frightened by her clinical approach to their predicament. Protection was paramount and the ramifications of not having it were awful to imagine. A teenage assassin had emerged and at that moment, it was a good thing.

Why had Bree not followed Vicky into the copse? That special sense had signalled danger the nearer they got to the trees.

"I've always had it. Even when I was a kid I could feel when things weren't right. It's helped me a lot."

"It's hard to believe Bree, but we wouldn't be alive if you hadn't stayed back. I'll have to start listening to your gut."


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