Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The Captain was heading towards a village which had a relatively large population and was by all reports well run. A lone traveller had told them of its existence and where to find it. On their way to the settlement they had encountered a group of about twenty people who were looking for a new place to settle. The survivors had found a good home but had been driven off by a group of criminals who were quite happy to use violence to get what they wanted.

Two members of the group had been murdered by the raiders. Their stores had been plundered and they had known that they would come back. They had women and children with them and had taken the hard decision to move rather than risk losing anyone else. They described how the gang had struck without warning in what seemed to be a, well planned, manner. Their violence was not something they were equipped to deal with.

The Captain and Sam discussed the revelations as they made their way towards the village community. It was disappointing but not surprising that a gang like that existed. There were always those who would leech off of others instead of contributing themselves. It would be interesting to see their reaction if they were faced with armed soldiers.

Rather than march into the village with their weapons on display they went for a different approach. This community was said to be governed fairly and it meant that they would more likely get a better reception if they sent in an unarmed emissary first. Dr Sam Sharma walked along the main road that led to the village and was aware that his presence had been noted well before he got anywhere near.

Before he reached the village, he was met by two burly men. They were polite as they asked him if he was alone and how they could help him. In the spirit of openness Sam said that there were others in his group but he had come alone in order to make an introduction. He was escorted to a church hall which served as a canteen and he was offered food and drink whilst he awaited a man called Napier.

Two men appeared and one of them joined him at the table where he was sitting. Napier introduced himself and asked for his guest's name. Sam told him that he was a doctor and that he was with a group of people who were carrying out a kind of census of the people who had survived. He and his companions had been gathered by what remained of the government and they were now spreading across the country offering help where they could and seeing how many people there were.

Napier was wondering why they had appeared now ten years after the plague but Sam explained that too. They had been monitoring the communities near their base and had been alarmed at the birthmarks on the new generation. As more and more of them died it was becoming urgent to see what they could do to ensure the continuation of the human race.

"We have been sent out from a place which is known to the population as Dark City".

A number of possibilities raced through Napier's mind. The first of his thoughts was that this man in front of him could be one of the raiders sent to infiltrate the community. He could be some chancer claiming to be a part of the government. Sam was eager to learn about the village, but waited for Napier to ask him questions. His arrival would be met with suspicion and he didn't want to do anything to unnerve their leader. The second thing that registered with Napier was the mention of Dark City. Could its existence really be more than just a myth?

"Tell me about the people you are travelling with?" Napier needed to know a lot more about this visitor.

Sam said that he was travelling with a platoon. He saw Napier's slightly startled reaction to the word platoon and went into a fuller explanation. When the plague took hold scientists and soldiers were dispatched to a central point. They were initially hoping to find a cure for the disease and then form some sort of government to get the country back on its feet. The scale of the death rate had turned all the plans upside down.

They had monitored the communities that had settled near them and had felt that they had to be proactive in the face of the deaths of so many of the children born since the plague. The group he was travelling with were soldiers and they were fully armed. The Captain and his troops were happy to stay outside the village unless they were invited in. They were fully aware that they could be seen as a threat and that is why he had entered the settlement alone.

Sam asked Napier if he and the Captain could have a meeting so that they could all feel happier about the presence of the armed men and be reassured that they were not aggressive. Napier sent Sam off with Riley as an escort having agreed to holding talks. Riley would find out where the soldiers were and how many they numbered.

That evening the Captain and Sam returned and were led to the post office by the defenders who patrolled the edge of the village. Riley, Bree and Wilson were in attendance and they started by sharing some food which had been delivered from the canteen. There was some tension when they sat down but, although the company was careful what they were saying, the atmosphere improved.

Captain Armitage had the bearing of a military man. He was wearing a uniform but it was not necessary to indicate that he was an army officer. The Captain told them about the groups of people they had encountered since they had been exploring the area. He mentioned the religious sect and Sam was fairly scathing about the self-proclaimed saviour who ran the cult. They also talked about the group who had been forced out by a gang of criminals and the Captain noticed the looks exchanged between Napier and his friends.

"Have you had any problems with a band of criminals?"

Napier considered for a moment before he answered the soldier's question. "They have caused us problems and we have been considering how we respond to their aggression".

Sam looked at them and said "Maybe this is something we can help you with".

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