Under Normal Circumstances

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Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun to his head he thought better of it. In all fairness, this isn't exactly how he had pictured this night going. He expected a quiet dinner, maybe a movie, but not some random guy from his girlfriend's past breaking into her apartment and putting a gun to his head to ensure she would cooperate and 'see him'. She looked to scared and he didn't know what he could do to comfort her. To help. He froze, everything he's learned since being a beat cop, gone. How was that possible? It should have been like a second nature to him now. It's not like he'd never been in a similar situation before. Okay maybe not with his own girlfriend, but still, he had been in similar situations with his work in the force, especially since joining the Special Victims Unit. So why was this time, this event any different?

From the corner of his eye he saw you typing something on your phone. Then it dawned on him, if he noticed it then there was a good chance that this guy would also notice. That's when his training finally kicked in, he reacted. He tried to sympathise with this guy (it was definitely something he'd been working on since joining Liv's team) and it was working, to an extent. The guy was definitely focused on him and not you. It was a start but the guy was starting to get more annoyed at Sonny than beginning to calm down. It looked like this guy was going to have an itchy trigger finger. Sonny tried not to focus on that.

Everyone in the room jumped when there was a sudden knock on the door. It was amazing, that one innocent act had made the entire room freeze. It was like the entire world had stopped moving in that moment. Then the last voice Sonny expected to hear in the world had pierced the silence which fell upon the room. Tucker's. As in Ed Tucker the guy who was responsible for most of the investigations into the SVU team. Ed Tucker who was part of the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB). Since when had you known Tucker? When did you guys even meet? How often had you met to have exchanged numbers? These were the questions flooding Carisi's head when he heard Tucker's voice.

"Hey, Y/E/N, remember me? It's Ed, Y/N's uncle." UNCLE?! You sure kept that one quiet! You were Tucker's niece? Once again Tucker's voice interrupted Carisi's thoughts "Hey, Y/E/N, why don't you let me and Liv in? Remember Liv? I'm sure we can straighten this out without involving the authorities. Talk it out like adults, man to man. What'd'ya say?" You were looking between the gun in your ex's hand and the door at this point, eyes wide. "Come on, Y/E/N, let uncle Eddie in, please? If you let him in now, he'll be less likely to call for backup" you shrugged lightly slowly easing your way towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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