Chapter 1

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The shrill bell indicating the end of the school day echoed through the halls. And just like every other year, they played "School's Out" over the PA system. Izzy determined to get to the bus before her friends, Heather and Ty, sprints out of Ms. Peter's classroom, and darts out of the nearest exit. She, upon seeing Ty, pushes herself to run even faster. She gets there barely a second before ty and Heather was a matter of seconds behind.

Izzy, genuinely proud of herself, slumps down in her seat, out of breath and laughing.

"I won," Izzy declared smiling.

"You cheated," Ty insisted.

"Tyler Rain Anderson, how dare you to accuse me of such actions," Izzy said with mock hurt, clutching her chest.

"But you just did," Ty persisted unwaveringly.

"You know what Ty, as your friend I care about you slightly too much to argue with you about something so stupid and petty," Izzy kindly replied.

"Oh Izzy, how nice of you to care about that pathetic, brainsick, weak, sorry excuse for a man. It's no wonder his mom is dead, she probably took her own life just to get away from him and his retched siblings," Melody, Izzy's step-sister, sneered, getting in Izzy's face.

With her hands in trembling fists and Ty standing behind her to catch her, if she were to fall. Izzy sternly yells, "What the hell Melody? Why do you hate him so damned much? What could he have possibly done to make you hate him so much?"

"Izzy," Ty warned quietly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine," Izzy whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't just stand there, Ty," Melody sneered, leaning around Izzy, "Stand up and defend yourself, little boy, or are you just going to stand there and let Isabella here take the punches for you."

"Melody Barnett," Izzy yelled, fuming, "I suggest you sit right back down and shut the bloody hell up before I make you!"

Melody egged on by the choruses of "oohs" and "ahhs" that rang throughout the bus, pulled her fist back and let it fly. Hitting Izzy square in the jaw and yelled, "Make me!"

Izzy already beyond furious let Melody's fist hit her so that when she told her dad what happened she wouldn't be the only one at fault. She could taste the blood in her mouth and could feel the adrenaline pulsing through her veins as she ripped out of Ty's restraining grip, grabbed Melody's wrist the second her fist made contact with her face once again. She twisted Melody's arm around and pushed her down to her knees. Grabbing a fistful of hair in her left hand, forced Melody's head back so she could look her in the eye.

Izzy whispered menacingly, "You must be fucking delusional if you think I will stand by while you insult my friends, you are a disgrace to me melody and I am beyond embarrassed to call you my sister."

Izzy picked Melody up off the floor of the bus and threw her into the seat.

"If you even think about insulting any of my friends again I will not hesitate to force you to your knees and rip the hair out of your fucking skull," Izzy growled.

Melody shaking with either fear or anger said nothing and simply glared out of her window. The bus then began to pull away from the curb and as if nothing just happened Izzy leaned out of the window along with the other middle schoolers. Most if not all of Izzy's teachers looked at her bloody face with a mild concern. Though Izzy, being Izzy just looked at them with a smile on her face and waved.

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