Day 18 Part 2

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We looked up to see a shocked looking Touma. He held a bouquet of (f/f) in his hand. (Y/n) gasped from beside me. "T-touma!? You were supposed to be in Canada", (Y/n) said surprised. "I'm glad I didn't tell you that my interview's date changed... At least now I know your true colors", he sneered at us.

"Touma let me explain!" (Y/n) said desperately. I, on the other hand, didn't know what to do but just stand their stupidly as tears began to fill her (e/c) orbs.

"Explain what exactly? That while I was away, you decided to play with your ex and think I wont find out? You really are pathetic", Touma glared at us "Y-you k-knew?" Our eyes widened at his statement "Since the first day, I over heard you both talking", Touma said.

"Touma, what you saw there was just an accident, I was going to-", he interrupted me immediately with a punch to my face "Shut the hell up Akabane, I'm fed up of you! You're the one that caused this in the first place!" He threw another punch at me. I knew I deserved it so I allowed him to keep doing it.

After all I am the one that broke her heart time and time again and still expect her to run back to me. It was all my fault that I couldn't be happy. It was all my fault that she went away. It was all my fault for causing her pain. It was all my fault for allowing Asuna to date her. It was all my fault she didn't come back to me. It was my fault for not running after her her when I had that chance handed to me. If I were her I would have done the same thing.

How could I keep her happy? I was just being selfish trying to take her away from Touma because in my heart I needed her when she was already over me and had already moved on. Why did I had to come back as some flipping ghost of Christmas Past?

I ignored the pain of the beating that Touma gave me. A crowd had began to form, none reached out to save me. Not like I wanted them to.

I closed my eyes as I fell to the ground.

"Touma! Stop!!" My eyes opened in shock.

(Me: I honestly didn't know what came over me...)

I watched horrified as Touma threw the first punch, I expected Karma to dodge it, but he just took it. I looked on with widened eyes as Karma did nothing, not even try to defend himself, but take it all.

I didn't know what to think 'Was he blaming himself?' I thought in worry. I looked at Touma who looked so angry. I rarely ever see that side of him, only that one time when he beat those guys up for trying to pick on me. But Touma looked way more angry now. I didn't know what to say to make him stop. Fear just took over my body.

Punch after punch he gave Karma who only staggered back and forth as if he wanted more. A crowd began to form and I was disgusted to see that no one tried to stop them. I was disgusted at myself for being so scared.

I broke out of my trance only when Karma finally had enough and fell to the ground, his eyes closing.

"Touma! Stop!!" I cried out holding onto him. "Let go of me", he growled out as I tried to tighten my hold "Pleas stop hurting him! It was just an accident please!" I cried out in mercy.

"I said LET GO OF ME!" He pushed me back causing me to fall near the dumpsters. He turned to me as I looked at him in fear. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO PROTECT HIM!? YOU'RE WITH ME! YOU'RE ENGAGED TO ME!! WAS IT ALL A FARCE?!? WHAT DO YOU WANT? MONEY?! LUST?! WAS EVERYTHING JUST AN ACT SO THAT YOU COULD BE ALONE WITH YOUR EX?!" He shouted.

I cried more "Touma please, it wasn't, believe me... I-I love you!" I exclaimed. "You're lying!!" He shouted as he was about to hit me. Flashes of Karma's accusation came to mind. I closed my eyes and waited for impact but it never came. I looked up to see Karma angrily looking up to Touma, he held onto his raised arm. Touma looked at him shocked and tried to pull away but Karma's hold was too strong.

21 Days to Say 'I Love you'- Book 2 Karma X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now