Plop goes the bird poop

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"Now that the crow has been killed, we now have an empty seat in the parliament," Pterodactyl god  said," we need to fill the seat"
Having said that, the Pterodactyl god pressed a button on his table and the roof opened.
"Since when was the roof able to open?" Kingfisher emperor asked.
"SLIENCE!"Pterodactyl boomed."Anyway, the newest member will be The Pigeon Prince!"
The flapping of wings could be heard. A bird flew through the hole in the roof and said,"Pleased to make your acquaintance, i am the pigeon prince."
The other birds would have clapped but as they had no hands they squawked loudly instead.
"Magpie Minister, show The Pigeon Prince around the parliament."
And with that the parliament of the birds was complete again.

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