Chapter 6

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"Okay, we want one medium Hawaiian pizza",Michael proceeded to tell the man at the cash register. "Michael" I scream-whispered at him. He looked at me to proceed,"Don't forget the cheesy crust." I said looking at the stove in the back. He chuckled and told the boy with a red uniform for cheesy crust.
We somehow ended up at a park just 5 minutes from the school. "Michael, where are we going to eat ?" I said looking around as I got out of his car. He only smiled and began walking. I was confused for a bit but followed the boy with my pizza.

"M-Michael, where are we ?" I asked in awe. I looked around and saw small green hills. It was absolutely beautiful, considering the sun wasn't even out. "We're still in the park, just a little further out. I like to come here when I need to think and such." He said peering out. We walked to a small hill close by with an almost naked tree and sat down with our glorious food.

We've been talking about random stuff about ourselves as I finished my 3rd pizza and Michael finished his 4th. "I'm so full" I groaned as I laid down on my back on the luscious grass. "Already ?! Well, at least you ate some and didn't starve yourself like most girls." He said looking at me. I looked at his black and blue Sleeping With Sirens hoodie admiring it. I smirked and looked up at him," Michael, I'm not like most girls." I looked up at his beautiful eyes. Shut up Diana, they're just eyes, I mentally slapped my hand. "That's good" he said looking into the distance. I stood up and stretched a little looking at the playground a little farther from here. I grabbed the pizza and spilt it in half sitting back down. I looked over at Michael noticing his eyes closed and him laying on his back with his hands under his head. He looked peaceful. I stopped looking at him so he wouldn't catch me.

I poked his side and handed him the other slice of Hawaiian pizza which he gladly took. I took a bite and chewed it trying to savor it all, it was my favorite. "Michael, you best be honored I'm sharing my food with you. That's a rare case." I said taking another bite. He looked at me and laughed a laugh that's just so soft. "I am honored to receive this half pizza from the one and only Diana." He said jokily standing up and bowing. "Gonzalez, Diana Marisol Gonzalez." I said not knowing why I even told him my middle name. I am a weird kid. He smiled,"Michael Gordon Clifford." He said looking at me. I stifled a laugh and he looked at me confused," Michael Gordon Clifford ?" I asked, he only nodded lifting his right eyebrow. I laughed and couldn't stop. I fell and clutched my sides standing up and wiping the tears that managed to escape.

Michael looked at me in horror, probably because I practically laughed at nothing. "I'm sorry Michael it's just that Gordon in Spanish means fatso or something along the line of that." I said, he laughed a bit. "Let's go Clifford ?" I asked him pointing at the playground. We stood up and walked over. I ran as fast as I could leaving a confused Michael behind," Last one is a rotten egg !" I yelled like a 4th grader.

Michael's POV

I watched as Diana ran to the playground. I started running and thinking. This is like a dream come true. I looked as Diana neared the swings with her brown hair bouncing around her. Pure beauty. She knows my name I know hers, well I always did but, Marisol. It's a heavenly name.

I finally made it to the swing and shake the lovesick thoughts out of my head. I sat on the swings and ran my hand over my thin hair. I looked at the sky noticing the gray clouds and how they seem to roll over each other. I looked over at Diana and noticed her swinging reminding me of a little girl. Something about her isn't right. I feel like she should be different somehow. Different.
"Michael, let's sit up there" I pointed to the top of the bleachers. It's close to the walking thing and up high. He nodded and we proceeded walking up the steps. We finally say down and the game was already starting.
It was already an hour and a half into the game with me yelling at the teams and getting frustrated. Goooooooal !!! I stood up from my seat and began cheering as everyone else did, well not as much as me. But unlucky for me, Blake scored and he blew me a kiss as everyone sat down. I cringed until Michael told me to look.

I looked over at Michael blowing a kiss at Blake and winking at him trying to be as seductive as possible. Blake's expression was priceless. It was a mixture of horror and disgust, I laughed loudly causing people around us to glare at me.
The game was almost over when I started shivering causing me to snuggle onto Michael's arm. He squirmed out of my cuddle and I was shocked but pretended not to be fazed and looked at the game. He didn't want me to do that ? But why ? Does he really not like me ? Am I being used ? All these thoughts ran through my head as something warm touched my arm.

I looked over at Michael seeing him handing over his SWS hoodie. That's all ? I was worried he didn't like me. I gladly took it poking my head out of the hole on top. It was kind of big, perfect. I thanked Michael and saw him staring at me from the corner of his eye. He had a matching shirt, of course.
The game ended with 3-2, good game if I might add. We were walking down the steps when I spotted Blake. I looked up at Michael and he nodded. I held his hand and walked with more confidence. "Hey babe, did you like the game ?" Blake asked looking over at me. I almost puked but hold it in. "I actually did, I bet I could beat you though. You kind of suck." I said looking at him with a smirk. He just walked away and I held a smirk doing my best not to laugh. "Best we go Michael." I said too fancy "Yes my lady." He said bowing and reaching out for my hand. I couldn't help but let out a light chuckle. This guy is going to be the death of me.
We were outside of my house in Michael's car and it was dark. "Well Michael, I honestly had a really great time. Thank you for everything Clifford." I thanked him smiling sincerely, "It's fine Gonzalez." He said smiling back. We sat there admiring each other. I didn't quite notice his lip and eyebrow piercing, though I did see them, but they suit him well. "Michael, tell me a joke ?" I said breaking the silence. He thought about it.
"Knock knock"
"Who's there ?" I asked half rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh.
"Britney Spears" I could see him trying not to laugh.
"Britney Spears who ?"
"Knock knock"
"Who's there ?!" I practically yelled at him.
"Britney Spears"
"Michael ! Britney Spears who ?"
"Oops I did it again !"
We looked at each other for half a second before bursting into laughter. Once we stopped wiping our tears we stared each other. We were just looking at each other, admiring. I looked down and tried hiding the blush ride up to my cheeks.

"Well, goodb-" Michael said before I cut him off "Michael, not goodbye. Just see ya later." I looked at him smiling. He only nodded and I got out of his car. I walked up to my porch and looked behind me "see ya later Michael !" I semi-screamed and waved. He did the same and drove off as I walked in. No goodbyes.

Michael's POV

Diana is kind of cheesy, and I like it. I haven't felt like this for a girl for quite a while. Not since... Her. But, that's another story. I need to start with a fresh clean page. With Diana.
An: sorry for everything ! I am moving houses and on top of that, I have school on Wednesday... Greeeeaaaaat ! -.-'

This chapter was very cute and fluffy, I really liked writing it ;p I can't wait for the FUUUTUUURE ! *insert robot sounds*

QOTD: If you could dye your hair any color(s), what would it be ?
AOTD: I would dye my hair dark blue with light blue highlights :3

Comment your ship names here, it can be ANYONE ! ((;

Blake makes me laugh and barf at the same time xD

Suggest to other peeps
Etc etc
Have a wonderful day sexy beasts

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