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"The Guardian"


"Bella, Taehyung's time is almost up. Be ready to meet him anytime soon."

I look down to where Taehyung is shooting another fun Run BTS Episode with his members. I sniff, my nose starts to get red and eyes teary.

This is always the struggle of a guardian, an angel assigned to watch over a soul and take him when it's his time to die. We also tell them if they get to heaven or well, down there.

Tae, as I like to call him, is my favorite assignment so far. I have seen him since he was born and I watched him grew. He was raised by a good family and is lucky enough to meet great people like his members.

"But he's still having fun. Can we give him more time, please?" I talk in my whining voice. I know it sometimes irritates Peter but most of the time it works for me so..

Peter sighs, his attention still on his Big Book, the list of all the people still alive in the Human World. His book is quite magical to me, it lights every time he opens it and he can easily locate if someone is to die, it's just so cool.

"You know that's not gonna happen."

"Pretty please?" Okay, this is my second attempt.

"No matter how pretty your please is, it's still not gonna change anything." He says without looking at me.

I sigh as I give up, he's not gonna change his decision.

But Tae is my favorite assignment.

I pout and sniff again. Peter has always been like this, always a no as an answer. He's no fun.

I turn to look at Taehyung again, a smile in my lips as I see him tear from too much laughing. 

What a genuine one.

"Come on now Bella, leave the boy alone. Everyone is destined to die and you know that."

I stand up, finally leaving Taehyung with his members.

I can always watch the final episode later anyway.

"Yeah but everyone deserves a second chance in life too, Peter."

"Not everyone Bells."

"Well then Tae does. He makes a lot of people happy. He's genuine, kind and loving. Do you realize how many people would be sad if he dies?"

"That has always been the case though."

"But Peter-"

"Enough of this Ysabella. You know from the start that this is meant to happen."

I didn't rely as I realize Peter is right. I know from the beginning that Tae's life is not as permanent as mine. I just don't want to meet him when he's already dead. I can't imagine what it would feel like.

I play with my tiny fingers, trying to accept that I won't be seeing any of Taehyung's life anytime soon, then a light bulb suddenly flashes my inner thoughts. I smile and clasp my hands in front of Peter.

"Okay then can I show myself to him before he dies? Can we be friends? Can we, Peter? Can we?"

"What's the point of that? He's gonna see you when he dies anyway."

I look at him with a sad face. "Yeah but you know how everyone's reaction whenever we meet them. They're always sad or disappointed that we didn't save them."

He sighs and gently pat my head. "You know it's not that easy. You will have to live as a human, no assurance what will happen to you down there. The world is not such a friendly place Bella."

I pause for a while, absorbing what Peter just said. "But Tae is friendly! He'll take care of me."

He turns to me, hesitant look all over his face. And I just look at him with a hopeful eyes and hands on my chest.

He finally lets out a deep sigh after perhaps battling if whether or not he'll allow me.

"Fine then."

My face lit up hearing what he said. "Yey! Thank you Peter!"

He lightly shakes his head while smiling. "I don't know what you've seen in him but I guess you've just found your favorite."

I smile too.

"How about you Peter? Did you have a favorite assignment before?"

He looks at me and smiles.

"You guess."

I shook my head in confusion. Peter laughs.

"Out of all my assignments, she was the only one who didn't get mad at me when she died. She was the only one who didn't blamed me, instead she thanked me for bringing her to heaven."

My eyes sparkles and my heart feels warm. I never had a single assignment who did that to me. They always hate me and blamed me for what happened to them.

"And she is standing here with me now."

Peter gently pats my head again and leaves.

Oh, He meant me?


To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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