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[College-age au, was going to start as something else but it just didn't feel right. Again dm me if you'd like to pick this up]

Their first meeting was strangely normal.

Izuku was at the grocery store, getting things for his sickly mom. He'd gotten most of what he needed but was struggling to get the pasta she liked.

Now Izuku wasn't exactly short, but he wasn't tall either. And it's just that this stores shelves where taller, by a few inches, than the one near his apartment.

The store does allow quirk usage to get things from the higher shelves, extending of limbs and telekinesis usually. However, Izuku is a quirkless 21 year old who is 170.68cm at best.

Izuku's middle finger had just grazed the pasta box when a very cold hand touched his lower back, his shirt must have ruffled up when he was stretching for the pasta, and someone leaned against him slightly to grab the pasta box.

The box was dropped, not so gracefully, into his basket. The hand on his back twitched before it was removed.

"I just couldn't stand there any longer, watching you struggle like that." A deep, husky, voice said. With a tone of indifference.

Izuku relaxed from his frozen, still stretched out pose, and turned toward the stranger as he reached up to grab a pack of soba noodles.

The man was a good 9-12cm taller than Izuku, was pale with snow white hair and had gray eyes. That was until he turned to look at Izuku.

It was like looking at two people who were cut in half and then put together into one person. The contrast was stunning. Half of him seemed to be devoid of color; white hair, gray eye and pale skin. The other half was just full of color; fiery red hair, soft ice blue eye and a pink scar, over that same eye, that did nothing to deter from this mans beauty. To top it all off he was wearing a black turtleneck sweater (that looked to be more of a second skin than any baggy sweater Izuku has) and dark trousers that Izuku swears are fitted.

A red eyebrow moved up questioningly and the man cleared his throat.

Izuku realize that he was staring and flushed with a stuttered apology. The man just chuckled. "It's fine, really. I'm used to people staring at it."

He was confused for a second until he realized. "Oh! I wasn't staring at your scar! I didn't even notice it at first! I was just shocked at how handsom-" Izuku covered his mouth with his hands, fairly sure that he was now cherry red.

The strangers eyes seemed to shine slightly. He held out his left hand. "Shouto."

Izuku took it, wondered what quirk Shouto had that gave each of his hands such a temperature differences. "M-Midoriya was uh nice to meet you."

"Would you mind if I called you Izuku? I'm not to keen on formalities." He took his hand out of Izuku's and reached into his back pocket, pulling out his phone. "Oh and your number, if you don't mind."

"Ah..Oh no I don't mind! And call me what you're comfortable with!" He fumbled out his phone and they exchange numbers.

"I'll see you around, Izuku." The way he said Izuku's name made his heart beat faster.

"Ah, y-yeah. S-see you around, Shouto-kun."


It was a week later when Izuku got a text.

  Shouto: want to go get a cup of coffee? i know a nice little place by my apartment.

  Sure! Although I can't do it today, I'm busy training :Izuku

  Shouto: how about the day after next, i'm going to be busy tomorrow...

  Sure! What time? :Izuku

  Shouto: 10am at ____ i'll meet you there. oh and dress up a little. the place is really nice.

  Oh. Like black tie kind of nice? :Izuku

  Shouto: pff no. not like that.


Shouto wasn't lying, this was a nice place.

He still felt underdressed though. Dark blue jeans and his nicest collared shirt. Which meant that on the breast pocket there was a bright red, white and blue ALL M pattern while the rest of the shirt was a soft sky blue.

He was nervously muttering about his clothes when he felt a cold hand grip his arm.

Jumping, Izuku turned around to see Shouto smirking at him.

He was wearing something kind of unexpected. Like last time, he was in sweater. Unlike last time, this one was baggy with a rainbow checked pattern. Underneath that he was wearing a white collared shirt, black skinny jeans and matching loafers.

It was...different..but it worked for him. It makes him look younger. More like he's free to be himself.

Wait, how old is Shouto? He looks around Izuku's age..but what if he's older? He could be, like, 40 or something?

"I'm not 'like, 40 or something' I'm 21. Do I really look that old?" He deadpanned.

"Oh god," Izuku groaned, "did I say that out loud? This is so embarrassing! And hear I thought I gotten better at muttering my thoughts! Aagh!!"

Shouto chuckled and held the door open for him. "I find it endearing. You get this look of deep  concentration..." He trailed off as he walked in behind Izuku. Stepped around him and made a bee line towards a booth in the far corner. Sitting in the seat closest to the wall.

Shouto eyed Izuku as he sat down. "So..."

"So?" Izuku replied, shifting in his seat.

"How old are you?"

Before Izuku could answer a waitress came over to take their orders.

Black coffee with sugar and milk on the side for Izuku and a Freddo Cappuccino for Shouto. The waitresses quickly came back with Izuku's coffee, as Shouto's was taking a bit longer to make.

"I'm 21, I'll be 22 in mid July though." Izuku busied himself with making his coffee perfect as he thought of a question. "You still in college or..." He took a sip of his too hot coffee and set it down to cool for a bit.

"I'm hoping to graduate in the winter of next year, I plan to be a child psychiatrist."  He reached over with his right hand, wrapping it around Izuku's coffee. The air got cold for a second and when Shouto removed his hand, Izuku's coffee was no longer steaming. Interesting. "What about you, you going to college?" Shouto thanked the waitress as she delivered his, quite frankly, fancy coffee.

"Oh, I'm going to apply for that hero college that just opened up." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly taking another drink of his coffee, now at the perfect temperature.

"You want to be a hero then? May I ask what your quirk is?"

"Only if you tell me how yours works. It's a temperature manipulation quirk of some kind, right?" Izuku leaned forward, eagerness filling him.

Shouto took a long sip of his coffee before answering. "I'm half hot, half cold. I can regulate my body timp at will, unfortunately half of me always feels cold while the other hot."

"Oh! Could you also make ice and fire? I know you said you want to be a psychiatrist. However, with a quirk like that you'd make an amazing hero!" Izuku's fingers were twitching, he should have brought his notebook.

Shouto slowly shook his head. "Fortunately, no. So, what's your quirk?"

Izuku sat back, deciding to down his coffee in one go, filling away the 'fortunately' comment before continuing. "I..don't have one. I'm quirkless."


An awkward silence settled over the table.

"You still want to be a hero? Even without a quirk?" Shouto asked after a few seconds.

Izuku nodded with a quite "Yeah." and prepared for the laughing to start.

"That's...really brave. Hopefully you'll make it." He was nodding with a shy kind of smile.

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