Apple Juice

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Relationship, boyfriends, partners, ect. It was all new for Shouto. He never needed anyone else before, never wanted anyone before. Not until Midoriya Izuku came into his life.

He didn't, doesn't, know how any of this is supposed to work. His Father and Mother never loved each other, never taught him what love is supposed to feel like. Of course his Father would never encourage him to pursue something as "useless" as love. You don't need love to defeat a villain.

Shoutos Father made sure to beat the emotions out of him. Love is a weakness in Enjis eyes, and Shouto grew up being told this every day.

Until his freshman year sports festival. When Izuku blew a hole through his icy wall.

Shouto didn't know what a crush felt like, having never experiencing one before. So, for the longest time, he thought he was sick. His heart would speed up at the sight of Izuku, and it would clinch when the shorter boy laughed. When talking to him, Shouto found it hard to breathe at times.

It was like this for two years, and Shouto said nothing until the last day of their third year.

He went up to Izuku and asked him about what might be wrong with himself. Izuku was quite for a moment before he burst out laughing, that beautiful laugh, and told Shouto that he may have a crush on the other. When Shouto asked what a crush is, Izuku got very quiet and turned red.

It took an hour to explain it all to Shouto, and he mostly understood.

That's how they started dating. It was alright at first, mostly awkward but nice. But Shouto is horrible at communicating his feelings. Even after 3 years of dating.

Sure he's opened up over the years, but he still closes himself off. Turns off his emotions. This irritates Izuku to no end and they fight about it.

That's why Shouto is out here, on the balcony of their flat, in the middle of the night, smoking. He knows it's a horrible habit to have however, it grounds him in reality.

He's had another falling out with the old man. A very public falling out, one that he didn't tell Izuku about. He's not even sure why that bothers Izuku anyway, he still found out through the socials.

"How dare you. How dare you date All Mights protege. I made you to rise above All Might, not get under his  pupil." Shouto paused the video. That's what set Shouto off, he growled at Endeavor. Told him to fuck off, in front of bystanders, and quietly raged about it until he "shut down".

That's what Izuku calls it, when he lockes away his emotions.

"I saw what happened." That was the first thing Izuku said when he got home. "Are you okay?" His voice was so sweet it almost hurt, almost. This just annoyed. Sparked the earlier rage inside him.

"Why won't you talk to me?! I just want to understand!" Izuku sobbed at him when Shouto said that he was fine and just wanted to be left alone. 

Shouto rubbed his eyes then extinguished the cigarette. Izuku is a caring person, he knows this. It's just...hard. To emote, especially after today.

"Shou, just talk about your feelings. How you felt when the bad things happen, or even the good things." Izuku's voice reverberates around his head. He said that when they first started dating.

"I feel...happy when I'm with you." That was Shoutos response back then, and it's still true. Izuku makes him happy, just as much as his Father makes him angry.

Fuck...he's an idiot. Getting up, Shouto quietly walks into the flat.

Of course Izuku wants him to tell him how he feels, he's worried about Shouto. He loves him and wants to make sure that his, stupidly, bottled up emotions won't hurt himself.

Shouto reaches their bedroom door and pauses for a moment, listening. If Izuku is awake he'd still be crying, but there's not noise coming from within. He opens the door and spots Izuku laying curled up in a tight ball.

"Izu?" Shouto whispers, walking toward the bed. His only response is soft, even breathing. Asleep then. He rest the back of his hand against Izukus cheek. "'M sorry I was an idiot earlier," swiping a lingering tear from his partners cheek, Shouto continues "you know I'm no good at this. I promise I'll explain everything in the morning."

Shouto leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Izukus' temple. "Sweet dreams, Izu."

He walked out of the room and closed the door, Izuku hates when Shouto smokes. So he decides to sleep on the couch tonight rather than risk making Izuku more upset.

As he gets as comfortable as he get, he the look of complete and utter hurt on Izukus face. "I really am an idiot."

He slowly falls into a fitful sleep, feeling ashamed and saddened by the days events.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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