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Everyday, was the same. Getting up, getting breakfast, getting scolded by my single mother for being a disgrace, strolling down the roads of the big city of Seoul, getting back home and sleeping.

Nothing was really interesting in my life. I was a jobless grown up woman with no absolute talent. Not to mention a loner. I've never had friends, not like I needed any anyway. Anyone would call my life boring but I personally prefer living this way other than going through many unnecessary drama in my life. My life was peaceful, I don't get in fights since I barely even talk to anyone. I always mind my own business and could care less about what people would go through.

Coldhearted witch

That's what people call me. Don't blame though cuz it's honestly true.

I've never loved or hated anyone. You could say, I'm a walking lifeless body. I've never felt any emotion whatsoever. Never cried or laughed.

I admit I'd feel sad from time to time, but most of the time I'm just empty.

Sad I know. My mother even tried to get me to see a psychologist. And I did. But it didn't get me anywhere. I'm still the same as ever.

Oh right I didn't introduce myself yet, my bad. I'm Im EunJung. I'm half Korean half Australian, My dad passed away when I was little and my mom raised me all by herself. I was born and grew up in Australia, although my mother decided that we move to Korea so I could learn about the Korean culture more. And so we moved out last year, our house is pretty warm and I kind of like it. Seoul is pretty as well, so living here wasn't really that hard. what was hard though was that I couldn't find a job. Let's be honest I didn't really try too much to find a job, I would instead window shop and look around the city really.

I once found a small park near our house and that became my spot at night. every night I would sit on one of the swings there and just stare at nothing.

One night while I was minding my own business and enjoying the night breeze some guy suddenly showed up there. At first he didn't say anything which I truly appreciated, but then he decided to talk

"Um....hi" his voice was really soft, but I didn't bother looking at him nor replying

"You look sad.." silence... That's all he received and will probably be receiving for the rest of this night

He cleared his throat looking around awkwardly "Uh....mind if I join?" he pointed at the swing beside me and I shrugged. With that he sat down beside me swinging a bit.

"So....Why do you look sad?" I sighed thinking that this boy won't go away without receiving at least one reply from me

"why would it matter?" I said coldly

"O-oh it's just t-that, you're just too.. uh pretty to b-be sad"

"I appreciate the compliment but I'm not sad."

" Oh, well sorry you just looked a bit down..." His voice started to quiet down and I felt a little weird in my stomach

" Well that's just how I looked all my life" I shrugged softly and felt him look at me intently

He kept fidgeting in his place for over 5 mins and it got really irritating

" If you got something to say just say it"

"W-well, uh...if you don't mind me asking. Is...is there a reason behind that?"


" No nothing. I have always been like this. Not sad, but more like empty I guess." that's funny why am I telling him this?

"Ah...I get it. Not everyone can get to feel alive"

"funny. How would you get it? You seem pretty much alive to me"

I heard him chuckle lightly "Looks can be deceiving you know?"

"So what? it's not like I care anyway...I shouldn't have talked to you in the first place" I sighed deeply

"Then why did you? I did give you the choice of not telling me but you chose to talk" I frowned he's not saying anything wrong so why am I so bothered?!

."Who are you?" I asked now turning to him and looking at his face. He was handsome...really handsome. I shouldn't be feeling this way...what is this feeling anyway. It's like I'm having a grumpy stomach, except it doesn't hurt.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. You?" his voice was so smooth. His eyes were so big and round and...cute.

No get a grip of yourself EunJung!!

"I'm Im Eunjung." He smiled slightly at me. He smiled...all he did was smile yet it felt so bright...so glorious. So beautiful.

"Nice to meet you EunJung" he said holding out his hand for me to shake. I hesitantly took it in mine and quickly shook it

"uh well. It was nice meeting you as well but I have to go!" I got up and walked away from him as fast as I could.

I hope I don't see him ever again. I don't like this....I don't like this feeling at all it's driving me nuts!

That night I barely slept all I could think about was him and his dang smile why did it have to be so cute UGH! It's so annoying! This is why I hate it when people just start getting in my business! Can't they just mind their own lives and leave my dead soul alone?

I kind of opened up to him though...on my own it isn't entirely his fault and that's exactly why I'm so irritated...

*Jungkook's P.O.V*

She looked so pretty while sitting on that swing. The moonlight hitting her lovely skin which made her shine so bright. But I noticed how...empty her eyes looked. She looked so down and I felt the urge to talk to her. I'm glad I did...she seemed like she was startled with the fact that she opened up to me and it kind of made me happy.

I plopped down on my bed, remembering the conversation I had minutes ago with her. Im Eunjung. it suits her a lot.

"Kookie? You're still awake?"

"Oh! Tae hyung...did I wake you up?" He shook his head and sighed

"I'm actually having trouble sleeping...wanna play games?" I nodded smiling and got the PlayStation ready

"What were you doing out at such a time?"

"huh? Oh nothing I just took a walk...I needed some fresh air" He nodded understandingly

"Alright let's get to playing ok?" I hummed in agreement and focused on the game

I hope she's getting a good sleep. I hope I could see her tomorrow. Good night Im Eunjung.

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