The Escape

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"Drew I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"You have to catch up to me first, Lex!" Lex grit her teeth and fired red shells at the enemies in front of her so she could catch up to Drew.

They were playing Mario Kart 8, and Drew was in the lead. Lex was stuck in 5 th since the enemies kept hitting her with items, but all she needed was one lucky item and she would be able to win!

Shen and Naomi were both talking about who they thought would win on the couch behind the gamers. Shen figured Drew was in the lead so he would definitely get the win, especially since they were on the last lap, but Naomi had a feeling Lex's luck would kick in soon...

Andy was sitting on the floor beside the couch. He was not paying too much attention to the game as his thoughts were focused elsewhere.

Lex smirked when she faintly heard the sound of a blue shell. Drew was too far ahead, so he would not be able to dodge that! Drew started cursing, he was so close to the end!

Lex's Mii ran into the last item block, and to her surprise she got a star. Her eyes flicked down to the item screen, she always used the gamepad, and noticed a character holding a lightning bolt.

This was gonna be so good!

She quickly activated her star just in time to dodge the lightning bolt. Drew cursed again as the bolt hit his Mii, shrinking it and making it spin out.

"Drew I'm gonna win."

"You still gotta catch up to me!" But she was close, and quickly closing in! It was at this moment that Drew realized he had forgotten the blue shell, which was circling around him. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING!"

The blue shell closed in and Drew's Mii spun out, still shrunken from the lightning bolt. Lex cackled as her Mii drove through the blast, still protected by the star. "Yes, get rekt Drew!"


Lex's Mii gleefully crossed the finish line, making the girl cheer. "Yessssss, I won!" Drew groaned and dropped his controller into the plush carpet. "Damn Lex, your luck really is something!" Lex merely snickered in response, still happy from her latest victory.

"So Drew, you want a rematch?" The boy grinned and picked the controller back up, eager to have a chance at revenge. Before Lex could even start up their next tournament, Andy interrupted them.

"Ah, everyone, I have something I wish to speak of to you." Lex and Drew put their controllers down and spun around to face the younger boy while Naomi and Shen watched from the couch. Andy coughed, possibly to clear his throat or because he was nervous before continuing.

"I have a new plan I wish to discuss. It is an absolute genius plan that I am surprised I did not come up with sooner!" Gone was the concerned look on his face, he now appeared to be excited for something.

Lex rested her chin on her fist, body hunched over. She was curious as to what this "absolute genius" plan was.

"Well, I am sure you all remember the old animation studio..."


Splash! Splash! Splash!

"Ah, shit!" Lex cursed, dodging another tendril of ink that tried to take her head off. She threw herself against the wall, ignoring the spike of pain in her shoulder. The tendril missed but left a thin gash against her cheek.

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