Chapter one

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This will contain spoilers , pairings are in the description . Will have explicit Yaoi and Uber amounts of fluff as well. Read on at your own risk
All Oc' are mine so please be kind.


Keith's POV -

He's staring at me again.

With those smoldering eyes of his.... Is that an accurate description of Lotor's gaze ?

Piercing maybe ?

Scrutinizing ?

Definitely judgmental that's for sure.

"Can I help you ? " I bit out at him. He just crossed his arms and looked down his nose at me with this sly smirk on his stupid lavender face.
"Would you entertain me in a spar session Paladin ?" Okay I wasn't expecting that. I raised a brow at him. "I'm not a paladin anymore you know this; you know for someone so smart , you sure are retarded. " God this guy got under my skin. "My apologies little blade. " He replies smoothly. Either he's good at taking shit or he doesn't know what retard means to the human race. " I find it rather boring here, would you be interested in a bit of friendly sparing ?" The halfbreed asked again.
"Yea, why not. " I sighed getting up from the lounge couch. Bee-bo was the only thing this stupid castles alien equivalence to a tv picked up at the moment , and I found it totally moronic. Some good fighting sounded way better. Hell shoving needles between my toes sounded better and more entertaining at this point. Lotor pushes off his place on the wall, following behind me to the training room. It was late by times standard so the hallways were dimly lit by the track lighting along the bottom of the walls , soft snores could be heard Permeating the silence every so often along with lotor and I's footsteps. We came to the door after what felt like eternity with the awkward silence that had come over us. I pressed my hand to a panel next to the door, the controls lighting to life , I opened the door and stepped inside ; lotor close behind.
"Alright let's just jump right in shall we ?" The former prince offered. I didn't respond just walked halfway across the room taking a defensive stance with my blade in hand so that it was in front of me handle in my palms and blade running the length of my lower arm.
The half Altain drew his larger sword in a more attack friendly position. That same damn smirk plastered across his lips. I eyed him up and down assessing the situation trying to predict his first move, but when he didn't after a few short ticks , I moved quickly low to try and swipe his feet out from under him with my foot . He counteracted dodging with ease making me glide across the sleek floor a couple feet behind him. Still low I hadn't had time to regain my bearings or even comprehend the fact I was now on my back with the lavender skinned galran prince straddling my waist hands pinned above my head by one large hand. Lotors face looming over mine with that god forsaken playboy smirk on his god damn purple face , god this asshole pisses me off ! I start to writhe trying in vain to get free. He is so much bigger than me ! Fuck you stupid smirky avatar lookin galran halfbreed ! "G-get off lotor ! ". I pant out . "Crying defeat so soon little blade ?"
Ohhhh. You're so dead you little dirty punk !
I rolled my hips up in hopes of knocking his balance long enough for me to free myself. Instead my ears were greater with ... A deep groan from my captor. I froze. Lotor brought his face just an inch away from my face; silver white strands of hair fell from behind his shoulder to brush against my cheek .

My breath caught in my chest

Eyes wide.

"Admit I'm better and I will allow you to get up ." He spoke in a whisper. His hot breath brushing my lips.

He's trying to say he's better than me ?? No. I won't let him win.

"Never !" I growl from between clenched teeth.

His grip around my wrists tightens painfully. I bite my lip not making a sound until he digs his knee into my ribs. "Fuck get off you behemoth !" I shout.

That fucking leer is still there.... I swear I'm gunna smack it off his smug little purple mug !
He leans closer so his lips brush my ear. The motion caused more of his hair to fall and caress my face. It's so soft. "Admit I win little red."

"I'd sooner fly a damaged cargo ship into a galran battle fleet ship." I struggle to get him off again .

He sits back up slightly his cheek brushing mine now. He's toying with me at this point.

"If you keep squirming like that sir Keith , I won't be able to controle myself. I may be a prince but I still have desires. "  his tongue snakes out and licked the shell of my ear , his teeth nibble on the lobe.  "Mmmh " My body reacted before my brain processed what just happened. Suddenly his lips were over mine.

They felt hungry.


So soft.

Lotor catches my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down slightly just enough to make me involuntarily moan into his mouth and arch my back off the floor.  He took that opportunity to  slip his tongue inside my mouth exploring. The prince uses his free hand to feel down my chest and abdomen until it comes to rest on my hip. I know I need to stop this, but ... but I've never felt so electric. So good.

I play with his tongue with my own until he pulls away leaving a string of saliva between us. "Do you admit I win yet or are you, as you say, retarded?" Anger over washed the list I felt instantly killing my high and clearing my head . " Get the fuck off me ! NOW !" I scream at him thrashing around again. He snakes a purple hand Salem the front of my black pants fingers delving into my boxers until they come in contact with an idly erect part of me. The contact sent shivers down my spine.
"Haaa l-lotor stop, this isn't right !" My breathing deepened and speeds up all at once as soon as his whole hand wraps around my painfully hard shaft.

He breaths heatedly into my ear again nibbling on the lobe and where my jaw meets my neck. "It's better when it feels wrong don't you think my pet, now be a good boy and submit to me. Let me make you feel good in ways you've never dreamt of in even your wettest dreams. "
His hand starts to pump me slowly making me moan again and arch. I'm so confused. This feels amazing but. It's wrong. But god damn does it feel good. But he can't win.

"Lotor. P-please ...." I couldn't get anything else out after that. He had run a thumb along the slit gathering Precum and smearing it down the shaft of my dick.  "Please what little blade ?" He taunts. "Fuuuck !" I cry out as I screw my eyes shut and turn my head away from him. My hips started rutting into his hand involuntarily trying to get more friction.

An unfamiliar warmth began blooming across my stomach as my breath became more rapid and sweat started coating me. "You look so hot like this kitten ," he moans to me. Right there had me so close but just before I could spill over he uses his pointer finger and thumb to squeeze the base of my weeping cock to prevent me coming. " not until I can take complete control of you. You can't cum until I allow it pet. " he growls in my ear. The tone of hisvoice has me shaking I want to finish so bad. But who is he to controle me ?


"No ," I sigh.  Suddenly his weight is no longer on me and the lavender prince is walking away through the door licking the precum from his hand , all the while I'm a panting sweaty ,horny mess on the floor. I flung an arm over my eyes. 
What in the hell am I thinking ? What just happened. Dazed. Confused. And another more persistent problem. Without lotors weight on me and heat washing over me I felt cold. And disappointed.

Should I keep going ??

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