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It's almost time. The bell could ring any moment right now. I will have to run out the class as fast as I can because every extra minute I could get would be precious. I'm patiently looking through the window while waiting for this annoying lesson to end.

Today is one of those last sunny days we're always getting in September before leaves fall from trees again, which would mean autumn has officially started. I was really looking forward for my senior year. We were all looking forward for it. But this first month already got me stressed and I was nervous just thinking about all the assignments teachers gave us.

"This last year will be hard for all of you. You won't be able to meet your friends and skip classes like you may have done during the other years," says Mr. Brown, as I'm discreetly texting my best friend Aaron about the so anticipated party, which will take place at my home.

"Bro, are you coming with me to buy alcohol for the party? John just told me he'd join us" I text him.

I see him nodding first row. Mr. Brown moved his seat only a week after school started because we were, apparently, making "too much noise" and "disturbing the class."

"I can't, I have to pick up my sis at school in 20 minutes. My parents aren't home yet. Will join you later" he texts me back.

I'm kind of angry because he promised me we would buy alcohol and sodas together before setting up everything for the party. He knows how nervous I am about all this stuff. I didn't even want to organize this month's party, but it was my turn to do it.

I went to most parties these last months but Alicia's one in August ended earlier, because the police showed up and we were playing music too loud and drinking alcohol. Alicia sent everyone back home and we later found out she was the one who called the police, because she didn't feel like partying anymore after 10 pm. Everybody was mad at her for ruining August's party and barely anyone talks to her anymore. I haven't even seen her at school this month.

"OK see you then," I reply, before putting my phone back in my pocket just in time when I hear the bell ringing. I walk out to the parking and get in my car, waiting for John to join me. He's not in any of my classes this year but we have been friends since primary school. We still text sometimes, but we haven't met this summer so I was quite surprised when he texted me this morning, asking if he could help me buy alcohol.

I didn't know why he would message me offering me help for my own party when we haven't talked all summer long, but he looks older than all of us and everyone thinks he's an adult, so I agreed and told him to join me on the parking later today.

He arrives sooner than I thought and opens my car door. He has already been in it several times with Aaron, but it feels like a stranger is seating next to me.

"Hey mate" he greets me.

"Hey John, what's up? Ready to go?" I say, as we both fasten our seat belts.

"Nothing much actually, it's been so long," he admits, forgetting to answer my second question.

"True" I agree. I start to drive and realize my answer wasn't what he expected me to reply because he hasn't said anything since.

"Hopefully, your party will last longer than Alicia's one" he adds with a small laugh.

"Yeah," I say, "I'm really nervous about it though. I really hope people will have fun and remember this night as the best party they've ever been to."

"Don't worry about that, the last ones actually sucked, so I don't think yours can be any worse." We both laugh about that and remember more funny moments about last parties, while heading to the liquor store.

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