What i read between the lines (yuwin)

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Light Dom/sub , Dom/sub Undertones , Light Angst , Light BDSM , Dom Sicheng , Dom winwin , Sub Nakamoto , YutaBottom , Nakamoto Yuta , Anal Sex , Smut , Porn With Plot , Porn with Feelings , Dirty Talk _______________________
Sicheng has been closed off lately, and Yuta assumes the worst.

Work Text:

Sicheng had never been good at talking about his feelings or letting Yuta know what was bothering him. Yuta knew this, and should have asked him what was wrong. But Sicheng also should have known that Yuta was not a mind reader and would of course assume the worst.

He had been stressed lately, overworked, overexhausted, underappreciated (or at least, he felt that way), and there weren't enough hours in the day to do everything he wanted to do and socialize with the other members, and take care of himself and attend to his needy boyfriend, Yuta.

So he had been pushing him away a little more lately. Sicheng didn't even notice it. But he needed the time to himself and he couldn't get it if Yuta was constantly trying to snuggle with him, or was kissing his neck and being generally distracting. And yeah, if he had just said that, Yuta would have understood and backed off for a little bit.

But he hadn't. Which lead them here.

Yuta was sitting in his bed, knees pulled up to his chest and staring down at his phone as he sniffed at the messages Sicheng had sent him. Yuta had asked if they could have a night of snuggling and movies since they had a night off.

Sicheng's response was a simple "no".

Yuta figured this was it. Sicheng was tired of him, had been growing tired of him for some time now, didn't like how clingy he had gotten after they had started dating. The novelty had worn off and now it was just annoying. He didn't know what he would do when Sicheng got back but he knew the two of them needed to talk. If Sicheng was going to break up with him, he wanted him to do it now so he wouldn't prolong the pain of it.

His breath caught in his chest when he heard the door open. He knew it was Sicheng--the younger had told him he was on his way back from the store. He took a deep breath and tried to prepare himself for the worst as he called out, "Sichengie?"

Sicheng's " What?" came out a little harsher than he had intended. But even the store had been a nightmare and he was annoyed and he just wanted to lie down and listen to some music and he was going to tell Yuta that but--

"Can you come here please?"

That made Sicheng freeze. His voice sounded so small, so broken, like he was two seconds away from crying. And Sicheng wasn't heartless. He couldn't ignore that. So he set the bags down and went over to Yuta's room and when he saw him, his heart shattered into a million pieces.

Yuta had been crying, or had just started, because tears were falling down his cheeks and before Sicheng could even open his mouth to ask him what was wrong, the older male was speaking.

"I know I can be clingy, and annoying, and I'm sorry if it's bothering you and if I did anything to bother you I'm sorry. And I don't know if you're tired of me, or you don't like me anymore, but if you're going to break up with me just do it so I don't have to sit here and wonder anymore."

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