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Lance was scared. Keith knew his one huge secret, and he could tell anyone about it. It had been a week since auditions, and no sign of a call saying he made it - not that he thought he had made it anyway. They valued duo partnerships. That was a huge problem for Lance. After his failed partnerships he wasn't ready for a new one.

The anxiety pooling in his stomach didn't help much - honestly it was making matters so much worse. His life was falling apart because of a boy no less. One secret could ruin him. His apartment got messier, and he started working harder, and longer. He even focused more on classwork as larger projects started to be thrown his way. Such as a home design project, and a ideas board.

Pinterest became his new favorite pastime, and he stopped getting involved in the dance world. He blocked calls from unknown numbers, and stopped answering hunks calls. Everything was falling apart.

Why would they want someone like him on their team? He wasn't ashamed of his job, but others were. He had no doubt Keith had told them what he was. It was humiliation to the highest degree, so he let his life slowly fall apart as he became the model student and worker.


Hunk was worried. He hadn't heard from lance since the audition. He tried calling, texting, and even going to the cafe he frequently attended. All he returned with was empty hands.

New voicemail from Allura

Hunk? Have you gotten ahold of Lance yet? We need him to come in so we can get working on our group dances. Let me know. Bye.

He hated disappointing Allura. It was time he decided to go to Lance's apartment. He stepped into his beautiful girl, yellow, and drove across town to the uncooperative boy lived.

He arrived, and banged his fists against the door.

"LANCE! LET ME IN!" Hunk yelled frustrated.

"I can't hunk," he whispered through the door.

"Why not?"

"Because you shouldn't want to be friends with me!"

"Of course I would. The only thing you did was try out for the company and made it." Hunk exclaimed.

"I made it?"

"Yeah, buddy, you made it!"

"OMG HUNK! I MADE IT!" Lance screeched retching the door open and hunk was pulled inside.

'Keith didn't tell them! This was the best news! Of course he couldn't keep it a secret forever, but damn he sure could try.' Lance thought.

"Be there tomorrow. 6 am sharp. Allura wants us working on the group dance." Hunk said. He figured that he shouldn't tell Lance about the duos just yet.


Lance regretted all his life decisions when he woke up at five that morning. Work the night before had him out late, and it was at least a half hour to the large company building. On only two hours of sleep? He was convinced he was going to die.

Hunk hadn't lied about punctuality being important, but this was super early. Throwing on some sweat pants and a cropped black tank top that had thief written in blue across the front he grabbed a pair of sneakers from the box and left.

His duffle bag bumped against his leg as he ran. The blue sweatshirt tied haphazardly around his waist threatened to break free. His day was not going well. In any case he made it to the large 2 story gym-like building. He hit the buzzer. The only way in was to be buzzed in or swipe a card. He had no card.

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