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Compeating was work, and Keith and lance were found stuck hip to hip. Even during practice for Lance's original solo. Keith was always there. Some may think he was overbearing, but to lance it was perfect.

Keith gave pointers, and moved his body into positions. The quick movements were interesting, but each one was syncronized to the music. It came together beautifully.

Hunk and pidge went into overdrive. Thwy worked deep into the early morning. They grew angry and nervous, but were brought back together easily.

Shiro was tense, and Allura could feel it. They had competition this year. Keith and lance might just beat this. They needed this.

On top of the solos and duets a group dance was added in. It wasn't the usual crew though. Allura, pidge, and lance would be dancing with three other girls.

Nyma a sweet blonde. She had a solo as well. She had no bad bone in her body much like shay. Another female dancer. They weren't dating, but they danced often -when shay had time between costumes. The last was a beautiful brown haired girl. She kept to herself, but they would join together. It would be amazing.


Everything was going smoothly from check-in at the hotel to check-in at the competition. There were so many people there. Lance had been expecting it, from what he had seen at previous competitions, but it still managed to make him anxious. Although he was feeling anxious it wouldn't get to him. Not this time.

Lance reached out to Keith. Their fingers intertwined, and Lance felt content. Like time had stopped for them. An odd feeling to have.


Keith was surprised when Lance took his hand, but definitely was not complaining. He knew his thief was nervous.

His thief? When did Keith start thinking that? Lance wasn't his. He pushed the thought away.

Keith moved dragging Lance behind him. He knew they needed to find Allura, and get Lance changed. Lance had agreed to a group number, a solo, and their duet.

There was one thing Keith wasn't expecting it was Lance to come out in a skimpy superhero outfit. It totally fit him though, and Keith was tempted to kiss him right then and there. He couldn't though. It was etiquette. Keith didn't want to push his boundaries.


They preformed, and Keith could not keep his eyes off Lance. It was much like the nights Lance worked the golden fleece. He was completely captivated by the movement.

They won second place.

The group preformed again I another catergory and took first.


Allura and Shiro preformed their duet beautifully. It was so skill fully thought out. It was amazing ro watch their bodies flow together and with the movement. It was mesmerizing.


Hunk and Pidge preformed a half hour after the power couple. Their movement slow then quick. Everything connecting and falling into place like pieces of a puzzle. It was beautiful.


Then came their time to preform. Lance's nerves disappeared with a note of the music. He focused on the music, and on Keith. It was important to stay in time.

Lance felt his heart rate quicken with the roars of the crowd and the comments of the judges. He was happy.

Then came Lance's solo. It was a contemporary peice. It was like a flow of water, but harsh crashing waves in a storm. It rocked Keith's emotions. He had no choice but to stand and clap.

Keith was relieved. They did amazing. As much as he could have asked for. He had only one goal. To make the duos and duets fun for lance. Nothing more nothing less he succeeded.


Pidge's solo went flawlessly. The sharp movement precise. Every move like a knife.


Duos awards came, and each was hoping for first. All except one person. Keith only hoped to beat Lotor. It was the most important thing.

The announcer stepped up.

In sixth place we have Axca and Narti.

Keith growled. Axca was his old partner. He felt Lance stiffen. Maybe Narti was the second partner he talked about? He was lost in thought, so much so that he almost missed the next placement.

- th place goes to pidge and hunk!

Fourth goes to Zethrid and Ezor!

Third place goes to Lotor and Caleb

Second goes to Keith and Lance!

And first place - drumroll please- shiro and Allura.

After standing and holding their trophies medals around their necks Keith bent down and placed a kiss right on Lance's lips. It was bliss. Keith could feel Lance melt against him, and it was the best feeling in the world. He would give lance everything because that is what his thief deserves.

The thief that stole his breath in the club.

The thief that stole his love on a ratty old futon.

The thief that stole his heart in everyway.


Pidge's solo

Lance's Solo

Allura and Shiro's duet

Keith and Lance's duo

Hunk and Pidge duo

Group dance 1

Group dance 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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