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[[•Dreams' POV•]]

School was phenomenal, like usual.
It started with my very first step through the door, everyone smiling and positive, being so kind to me. I love that feeling. Positivity pays off so well, don't you think?

My brother was with me, clinging onto my arm like usual. The negative feelings coming from both him and the monsters around us was slightly discouraging, but after taking a deep breath, I was able to keep pushing forward, a smile still on my face despite their negativity. He begged me quietly for some notes for class, his old ones flushed down a toilet by some bullies; I sighed, stopping to dig through my bag before handing him the notes he was after. 

"They really should leave you alone," I muttered, glaring at the ground. "You don't deserve this." Nightmare shrugged, giving me a small grin.

"Try telling them that," he muttered jokingly. "Good luck."

I had to leave Nightmare behind as I went to my next class, doing my best to not meet his eyes, which were glazed over in fear. I had gotten used to it after so many years; I figured that there's only so much you can do for a person until they have to learn to fend for themselves, but the bullying with Nightmare seemed to only get worse as years passed. I hoped that someday people and monsters alike would be able to just respect him. 

Passing through the crowd, I shrugged off the voice telling me that he was in pain, scared and frantic. I had stuff to do. But still, the thought of his eyes swimming in fear made an invisible hand seemingly clench in my chest, my throat dry at the thought of the last time he was bullied.

I'd take care of him this time.

I won't let him get hurt again.


As I continued walking down the hallway, I caught a glimpse of a beige scarf making its way down the hallway. Smiling widely, I ran to catch up with it, shouting a greeting.

"Ink!!" I shouted, smiling. Ink, my best friend, turned around, a curious look on his face, before his mouth split into a wide grin.

"Yo, Dream!" he said, his finger imitating a gun as he pointed at me, smiling. "How's life?"

"Pretty good so far, I'd guess. People were being so nice to me, and I even received this!" I held out a packet of Pocky, smiling. "I'm not sure what it is, but I figure I should give it a shot, right?"

With that I opened the package, looking inside curiously. Grabbing a stick, I put it in my mouth, chewing a little before taking it out.

"That is... that is GREAT," I said, my eyes morphing into stars. I mowed down the stick before offering one to Ink. "Wanna try?"

Ink shrugged. "Pocky is pretty great," he said, grabbing the stick in between his teeth. Grinning, he looked down at me. "So, do I look cool or what?"

He laughed, and I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"You look soooo cool. Like one of those skateboarders cool," I joked, smiling. I felt my face flush, and I giggled.

"Oi, Ink, Dream!" someone shouted, a mocking tone in their voice. "Pocky challenge!!" They let out a loud laugh, and I tilted my head, confused.

"Um..." turning around in confusion, I saw Ink's face turn a faint rainbow color, and he looked at me with wide eyes, an awkward smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, confusion tainting my voice.

"N-Nothing," Ink stuttered. "Ignore them."

Curious, I held onto his scarf as we walked to our class.

It's So Hard To Ignore ((A Dreammare Story))Where stories live. Discover now