⚇ part 1

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danny POV.


just breathe.

everything is ok.

just relax.

i tell myself this as i lay in the cold damp grass not caring that i'm probably getting my favorite shirt dirty. i just had to get away, get away from the loudness of our big high school.


i jolt up from the grass looking across the field to see lane racing over to me. "danny thank god your here!! i need to tell you something" she pants obviously out of breathe.

"what is it lane" i huff while looking at her with an annoyed expression

she stops a smirk on her face "i'm sorry did i interrupt your little snooze fest" she says sarcastically. she sits next to me in the grass. i look at her and she looks at me

"aw don't give me that look, you love me" i chuckle as she shoves my shoulder "hardly" i laugh jokingly

"anygay, i heard about a party at ryan's thursday" she smiles "wanna go?"

"on a school night" i scoff "no. it's literally the third week of our senior year and your already talking about party's on a school night"

"yes!! it'll be fun come on dan live a little"

i look at her chuckling at how excited she gets over these things. it wouldn't be bad to at least experience a party. i've never been to one so might as well. i look at my hands trying to figure out the pros and cons of this.

"dannnnnn" she whispers nudging my jaw with her head like a puppy "please. for me"
i look at her wanting to slap that look that always makes me say yes, off her face.

"fine" i sigh

"yay! danny, were gonna have so much fun. pick me up at 8:00 ok?"

i nod my head at her she runs off. i sigh knowing that my nights of sitting in my bed and watching romance movies endlessly hoping someone would actually love me are now taking a holt.

me and lane have a past. i'm not gonna get into detail but let's just say i was madly in love with her in 7th grade and it took her a year and me endlessly praying she'd feel the same for her to ask me out. it ended and we became the closest we've ever been.

and i like it that way.

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