Movie Night

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Nightmares P.O.V.

It's been a week since she's finally forgiven me. I just came back from the store. I was buying a horror movie. I guess it's a classic from the 1900s. It's called ' MY AX WIFE '. I grabbed popcorn and candy hoping she'll watch with me.

Time Skip

" Hey babe ", I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

" What do you want Nightmare ", She chuckled as she turned around putting her arms around my next and kissing my non-existant nose.

" What makes you think I want something ", I asked. She looked at me eye brows raised.

" Oh okay then I'm going to bed ", She said letting go and with that shit eating grin upon her face. She knew I wanted something. She began walking away. I ran in front of her.

" Okay Okay you got me, I wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie with me ", I said while rubbing my skull nervously and to my surprise she said yes. I picked her up bridal style, put her on the couch and got the popcorn and candy together.

Time Skip

We were half way through the movie. It was black and white but it was gorey. She was hugging and cuddling me like there was no tomorrow. I put her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. She epping and sqealing while hiding her face in my chest. It was so adorable. After the movie, She was having a hard time sleeping. I hugged her and wrapping around her. She tensed down a bit. She hugged me and looked up at me. Her E/C orbs looking at me. It somehow always made me blush but feel warm and slushy on the inside. I tucked her H/L H/C behind her ear earning a pink blush from her.

" Your so cute when you blush ", I smiled. Her face went even darker. I smiled. " Someone embarrased ", I purred. She huffed crossing her arms turning around.

" Jerkface ",  She huffed. I was laughing internally. Jerkface dear god help her. Of all insults...JERKFACE.... I was dying on the inside.

" You know something Nightmare ", She smiled.

" What ", I smiled.

" My smile may be cute but yours is super sexy ", She grinned. My face turned turquoise. She turned around.
" Let's see how daek I can make it ", She grinned.

Dear Readers Unfortunately a incident has occured between you and Nightmare and things may have gotten out of hand. You had accidentally went to the BONE-ZONE!!! Thank you for reading this and have a nice night!!!$

Nightmares P.O.V.


"Nightmare that was fun, We should do it again sometime ", She smiled as she curled around me. Well she turned my face into such a dark turquoise... I'm pretty sure it wasn't even turquoise any more. I sighed. After a few minutes. I looked at her and smiled. Kissing her forhead and smiling. As I quickly drifted off to sleep.

One Week Later

Y/N looked Nervous. I looked at her worringly.

" H-Hey Nightmare, Do you want to have kids sometime ", She asked.

" Well yeah ", I smiled. She had a look of relief on her face.

Dust P.O.V.

Me and the guys were ease dropping.

" Why what's wrong ", Nightmare asked.

" Nothing much ", She said happily whiling skipping habging half out the door " Your officially the father of twins ", She smiled as she skipped out the door fully. Our eyes widened and jaws dropped. Nightmare shot up so fucking fast. I thought it was something else.

" Y/N!!! WAIT, ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS ", He screamed. We just stood there. Blanked faced.

Nightmares P.O.V.

She nodded. I hugged her gently and smiled as tears of happiness fell from my eyes. She hugged back.

" So what are you gonna name them ", I asked.

" I know you don't like your brother that much but since their twins girls, Most likely going to be a lot like you and Dream, I wanted part of your names in theirs ", I was happy, I didn't care what she named them as long as she was happy.

" So, What are their names exactly ", I asked smiling.

" I was thinking Nightshade and Daydream ", She smiled. I looked at her and smiled.

" Their perfect ", I purred nuzzling the crook of her neck. She giggled. She is VERY ticklish. ( If your not in reality just pretend ) She looked at me and smiled.

" Thanks Nighty ", She said happily.

" No problem sweetheart ", I smiled.


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