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Tia's POV

Okay seriously , I would like to know who walks in high heeled Nike's to school. I mean seriously who even invented those ? Cause surely I didn't. I scoff when I seen the couple in the hallway at the pre dance a few weeks ago. They quickly look at me and scurry off. I shut my locker and turn around to see Susan. We called her 'crazy eyes' because just looking at her eyes made you wanna run away and hide in a prison cell.

" Hello , Dandelion " she winks at me. Did I mention she has a thing for girls? I narrow my eyes and speak with a rude tone

" Look Susan , I don't like you. Never have. Never will. Never gonna happen. So why don't you stop trying get in my pants and leave me alone. " I growl and she just smiles. Like are you serious right now? This girl is crazy !

" But baby , we have a future together " her smiles dies down and I flick her off as I walk away. I notice Manuel sitting on the bench outside the football field staring off in the distance. I gallop over to him and sit next to him.

" Hey bud " I ruffle his hair and he shoves me off. I raise an eyebrow and give him a wet willy

" Tia ! You retard ! You are disgusting." He shoves me and I start chuckling loudly as I notice he was crying. I die down my laughter and look at him

" Manuel whats wrong ? " I scrunch my face

" Nothing " he looks away and starts sniffling

" Don't give me that. What happened. Tell me or else I will give you double wet willy " I threaten him and he quickly looks at me

" O-okay ! Its just I like someone else.. that isn't Angel...Her name is Gisella. We've been talking for a while a-and I think I like her more then Angel..." He stutters as I nod understandingly

" Then ask her out on a date... Isn't that Gisella Moore ? But I'm sure Angel would understand I mean he did say he wasn't looking for a relationship right now. " I look at my phone and seen that class started in two minutes and my class was a five minute walk. I quickly get up and run to class and shout a strained 'bye' to Manuel. As I finally make it to my classroom I felt my phone vibrate and I seen it was Francisco




To : Francisco






To : Francisco

ready to head into class, lol wby



Oh bad timing ? I can text you later or whatever...but I'm in the airport


To : Francisco

nah its okay its my free period..and cool where ya going ?



Ight,, and California to see my dad


To : Francisco

oh really ?!?!? omg cool im going to visit my mom soon in Hawaii .



Awh luckyy,, and yeah,, hey i will text u when i arrive i have to board now :/


To : Francisco

oh okay have fun ! be careful for jet lag c;



Aha okay i will :) talk to ya later.


I shut my phone off and sign in on the sheet so my teacher knows I'm here while I'm on my free period. Basically what I'm trying to say is if I'm leaving the classroom during my free period - which is now - I have to sign in so Mr.Hams , our teacher knows that we at least came and so attendance would be much easier for him. I walk out the door and run into a boy who looks around my age. He has silky chocolate hair and swirl brown eyes. His papers that were in his hand dropped and scattered all over the floor.

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry ! " I rush and help him pick up the papers

" Nah its fine , I wasn't looking where I was going. Let me introduce myself. I'm Mario " he grins and I smile back and shake his hand

" Hi I'm Tia. Are you new here? You seem lost " I look around to see if he was with anyone and notice it was a empty hallway

" Ah no Ive been here since Freshmen..are you ? " He laughs lightly and I feel myself smiling. Gosh something about him is contagious !

" No Ive uh also been here since Freshmen year ha ha " I rub my arm nervously as he nods

" We should hang out sometime. You seem like a nice person. Here " He smiles and hands me a slip of paper with his number. Was he expecting this to happen ? Just for my number ?

" Yes we should. Well I have to get going. It was a pleasure meeting you Mario ! " I grin feeling all queasy as he salutes me

" You too Tia ! " He scurries off as I sigh dreamily. Gosh , he was something else ! I lean against the locker and hear footsteps

" Tia. Stay away from him. " I turn around and see Manuel.

" What ? Why ? "

" Because for one , I don't like him. And dos , he's my ex best friend. And you know the rules Tia ! Never become friends with one another's ex best friend. Whether they're your cousin or not. " He growls and runs his hands through his hair as he mumbles something along the lines of ' I am so stupid '

"OK well listen here spunky boy " I cross my arms over my chest and look at him seriously " I think hes a really nice guy. You disliking him has nothing to do with me. You were the one who made that up. Elise and I never agreed on that. So why don't you give me space and let me talk to a guy. I mean come on Manuel ! You're the only guy I talk to ! So stop trying to be my dad and be my best friend you are and stop pushing me away from people. " I poke his chest quite hard which caused him to stumble. I look at him one more time and shake my head and walk down the hall way

" I'm doing this because you're my friend Tia ! I care about you " He shouts.

I quickly walk down the hall and run into Mario. I see him smirking at me.

" Is it me or do we always run into each other? " He pulls his hood off his head and sniffs the air

" No. And are you sniffing the air? " I scoff at him and he shrugs

" I guess..is it me or do I smell like cookies? " he scrunches his face in disgust

" Oh that's the PTA setting up for the Homecoming " I groan and wave him a good bye and walk down the corridor and see Elise arguing with some guy

" I told you Scott, I dont like you ! I have a boyfriend so please " she sighs dramatically as she turns to face me

" Oh hey you ! OK look I can explain...He was trying to get with me a-and I pushed him b-but I didn't mean to ! Oh Tia I am oh so sorry ! I was trying to head to Algebra and he just happened to be there. Please don't go all Hitler... " she giggles nervously and starts backing away slowly. I shake my head and continue walking down the hall.


sorry it was short . I did the last few parts on my phone ❤️❤️

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