Last Day

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Every tick of the clock was like another nail in the coffin of what seemed like an eternity of this torture. My heart was racing, wanting it all to end as soon as possible so I could get out of this wretched place. But I knew that wouldn't be for a long time. A miserably long while later, I heard a sharp ringing in my ears and the sounds of kids screaming and running. Things were thrown into the air and I was being pushed and dragged outside. When I got outside, I smiled.

Summer vacation was finally here.

This was kinda weird, and it was meant to be a misleading description of the last day of school. How you just want it over with so you can finally enjoy summer for real, and the narrator (I guess) called it wretched because most people don't like school. The ringing was the school bell and the kids screaming and running and throwing things and pushing and dragging were because they were excited about being done with school for the year. So yeah, this was a random thought I had one day and I had to write it, so here ya go.

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