First day.

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Elijah carried his child in his arms as he entered the estate his family was staying in and called out for them to come into the living area. He set the girl on the couch, who was still sleeping after the long and exhausting day of being filled in on most of the twenty first century.

" A witch has broken the spell on Octavia, Rebekah can you get a room ready for her and Kol can you inform everyone on the estate that she is to be treated as the rest of us. Marcellus can you call Klaus and Freya to have them stop and get clothes for her for the time being"

Once everyone left the room, Elijah looked down as his child and felt a weight come off his shoulders know that she was back in his life unharmed.

" Octavia you are going to be safe here I will personally reassure that no harm will ever come to you" He reassured although she was still asleep

When she did wake up she was tucked into bed in a room she didn't recognize, quickly she made her way out of the bed and left the room. She could hear laughter and smell food and that led her down stairs, although she hesitated before entering what she assumed would be the kitchen only to be a dining room. She walked in to see her father, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Marcel and someone she didn't recognize standing in the spacious kitchen.

" Kol" Octavia squealed and ran to him hugging him around the waist. Kol has always been one of her favorites because he was fun to be with and didn't have a large set of rules like Elijah or Klaus.

Next Octavia hugged Rebekah and Marcel. Lastly she went to Klaus who she had missed but she was aware that Klaus wasn't the most affectionate person especially towards her, his affections usually went to Rebekah.

When Octavia let go and caught a glimpse of Freya she stopped and stepped closer to Elijah.

" Papa who is this" she asked her eyes not leaving Freya.

" This is Freya your aunt, my sister I mentioned her in the car earlier"

" I remember, she looks like Rebekah and Nik. It's nice to meet you" Octavia said not taking a single step closer to Freya but sill nodded her head to show respect.

Elijah trying to unhinge the discomfort spoke
" Octavia we are about to have dinner why don't you set the table"

Octavia glanced at the table realizing that it wasn't set, as she was growing up the Mikealsons were practically Kings which meant they had servants that cleaned, cooked, and set the table. Octavia nonetheless nodded her head and set off to set the table while the rest of the family went into the Kitchen to grab the food. She was glad for the fact that all of the dishes and silverware were already on the table just to set up so she didn't have to search for them within the cupboards.

It didn't take her long to finish, she rubbed her hands together suddenly realizing that she was quite literally wearing what she was wearing the night the spell was put on her, a nightgown not sure of what to do but feeling very self-conscious of herself.

" Papa" she called out and sure enough Elijah was suddenly in front of her.

" What wrong, are you okay,"

" No I mean yes I am okay, I just need to new clothes soon I am assuming that if I wore my clothes if they were still around it wouldn't be the norms for society"

" They wouldn't be you are correct, tomorrow we can go until then I'm sure Rebekah's clothes will have to do, now sit dinner is about to begin"

Octavia nodded although she was fond of Rebekah she would rather have her clothes to call her own, she knew that she didn't have to wait much longer just a couple of hours before she could call some her own, the newer fashion was appealing to her and she would have to grow used to it.

She was knocked out of her thoughts as Kol sat next her and her father sat around the corner from her at the head of the table.

" Papa why can't we go tonight, if you are busy I'm sure Kol could take me."

" No, not tonight Octavia tomorrow like I said earlier tonight we need to go over rules and information there was a lot of events that you have missed and Rules that need to be addressed" Elijah explained

Octavia sighed and leaned back in her chair with a slight huff.

"Okay, Papa"

Rebekah came out set out the food while Klaus and Marcel served drinks. Octavia was surprised when blood was placed in front of her while she was part vampire she didn't need blood like the rest of them to survive. When she began to open her mouth to question it, Elijah answered her question.

" It will help curb your temper, that is also part of the new rules, one glass once a day no exceptions."

" Papa, I don't think that is necessary I'll be fine" Octavia countered

" We know for fact that it will help, end of discussion you will drink it"

" So will alcohol but I don't see you giving me that" Octavia mumbled slumping back in her seat.

" That is enough Octavia I won't tolerate your attitude because you're not getting your way I'm being considerate because you just awoke and this is supposed to be a night of joy and time together but I'm not opposed of sending you to your room" Elijah scolded not wanting to ruining the night but also wanting to set a firm standing on rules knowing that Octavia would make an inch last a mile.

Octavia nodded her head not want to be sent away when she just got back.

" For the new rules there is only a few added Firstly, do you not leave the home without Niklaus or myself or put permission although even then someone else must accompany you. Secondly, which we already discussed will be the blood it will help with your temperament. Thirdly, you are now a sort of hybrid but you can't transform completely as I explained earlier which means that you can choose to turn but it will be dangerous for everyone because you'll have your own human reasoning instead of a wolf state of mind, turning unless it is extremely necessary can not happen. And lastly there is a school for vampires, witches, wolves to which you will be attending"

" Papa I do not need to go to school I've never had to before therefore I'm not now" Octavia sat up in her chair more than upset.

" You will try to attend for semester and if you choose to leave you may but you must go for one semester understood"

Octavia only nodded in response. The rest of the family brought out the food and sat down, and the Mikealson family had dinner completely together as a family besides Finn.

( Hey guys this is the first chapter so it's a bit rusty and crappy but I hope it will get better from here on out)

Octavia MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now