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The next morning Rebekah woke up Octavia early to go through what most girls wore to discuss what Octavia liked and disliked about the styles, Rebekah was very much thorough the lesson.

" So to be clear I can wear... mostly what ever I want" Octavia questioned

" I'm sure Elijah will have restrictions without a doubt but yes" Rebekah answered pulling up another picture on her laptop which took her a solid twenty minutes explaining to Octavia.
" why don't you get ready I left you a dress I might not be the best fitting in you but it should do, I'll be downstairs and then we can leave okay oh and Freya is going to come with"

" Okay thank you Bekah"

Octavia went to shower which was a concept she was still getting used to but it helped that it took less time and she liked all of the soaps and hair products scents that Freya and Rebekah had to choose from which was another concept that was hard to do but so was much of everything Octavia came across. When she got out and walked into the bedroom Rebekah had left one of her dresses and sweater for her to wear. The dress made her look like a box a cereal and the sweater turned her into a crazy cat lady cereal box but Octavia didn't realize she was just glad to get her own clothes from this century at least.

She got downstairs to where Rebekah and Freya we're waiting for her keys in hand.

" I'm going to go say bye to Papa I will be ready to go in a moment" Octavia informed walking past them into the kitchen.

" Goodbye Papa, I will see you soon" Octavia said hugging Elijah.

" Have a good time with Rebekah and Freya, goodbye" Elijah called to her as she made a quick exit.

Octavia believe it or not she actually enjoyed shopping for the most of the beginning she picked out dresses, but as time went on she chose more options like leggings, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, and even a few crop tops that Rebekah and Freya had tried to talk her out knowing that Elijah not Niklaus would be pleased with that particular option but nonetheless she wanted the crop tops so she got the crop tops.

Next for the shopping spree they went to look for decor for her room. To which Octavia was deciding between yellow and purple for a color. Ultimately she went with yellow and gray. She however for her decor chose to go simple a taking Rebekah's advice to see how she changes with the new decade she was now living in she got a gray bed set for her queen bed and yellow pillows to go with it. The only thing that she knew that she had to have was a mannequin for her dress from before her lovely trip on coma lane.

The trip went well beside Rebekah offering everything she could get her hands on to Octavia to which ninety-five percent of the time the answer was no. Octavia was tired and glad to go home, after all they were there for the majority of the day. The ride home was uneventful and boring and once they arrived home dinner was ready and on the table, Rebekah took the bags and brought them upstairs. While Octavia walked over to the table to sit down.

" How was your time shopping" Kol asked greeting her with a smile.

" I had a good time, Rebekah helped a little and Freya said that she would take me again once I develop more of a style. We went to eat in the sto- mall which I liked, it's a lot of new experiences to take in at once"

" It sounds like you enjoyed you time then" Kol smiled again.

" I did, is everyone here for dinner?"

" Yes Marcel is here for dinner" Kol a ready knew by everyone she mean't everyone including Marcel who she wasn't used to not living with them anymore.

Octavia smiled greatly, Marcel had always provided her an escape because he was her first friend even though he continued to age while she did not, well at least for a little while then of course he, himself was turned.

Soon everyone was joined at the table and began to eat and talk as the meal came to an end Elijah decided to bring up a topic that was sure to displease his daughter, school. When Octavia was first brought into the family she was excited to learn to read and write, even to play the piano and violin but as that went on for more that a year she grew to despise any educational demanding that she would rather do other things like practice archery and spend her time outside rather than inside with her studies.

" Octavia tomorrow we will need to go and have an interview with the school, to enroll you as well while we're there. After the fact we can go out for lunch and walk around the quarter if you please. While we are gone we will have someone paint you room walls."

Octavia immediately frowned but her want for time with her father and craving to see everything in the quarter overtook her displeasure for going to school.

" Okay, why does this school want to interview me?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

" They want to get to know you and they have a program to help you with bettering yourself with your powers and abilities. Everyone person is different including you, they want to see what drives you more so than anything else"

" Will it take long?"

" I am not sure" Elijah answered a bit suspicious about how well she was taking it and how she asking questions about it instead of avoiding it.

" Papa I'm still not ecstatic about the idea of going to school but I know that I do not have much of a choice, may I be excused I am tired I think I am going to go to bed"

" Of couse sleep well Octavia"

Octavia MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now