Pushing it

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" Emily we really need to get going Kol is going to realize we're gone soon" Octavia said to her new found friend that she met a little over a month ago when she started at the school.

They had managed to lose Kol in a crowd without much to his notice as he was flirting with Davina next to a venders post.

" To late"

Octavia jumped and spun around to see Marcel standing behind her not looking amused.

" Klaus sent me to find you, Elijah had an important meeting and when he called Kol to talk to you, you weren't there. So now I'm here to take you home, where Klaus and Elijah are waiting and let me tell you they're not amused. Say goodbye to your friend."

" Uh bye Emily I'll see you at school" with that said Octavia and Marcel started there journey back to the Mikealson house.

"How mad are my papa and Klaus" Octavia asked unsure, They we're both father figues to her, Elijah more so than Klaus but she knew both of them well. Klaus was impulsive and Elijah was calculated but both are terrifying when angry.

" Let's just say mad enough that they sent me to come find you rather than themselves so I would say pretty mad and if we're being honest Octavia it's warranted you ditched Kol when he was meant to be a body guard, Elijah and Klaus are protective and they only let you leave the house knowing Kol was with you."

" Klaus could of picked me up I don't need to be lectured three times tonight Marcel"

" You should be glad it was me young lady otherwise you wouldn't be so comfy sitting in that seat because Klaus would still be spanking you if he came to pick you up. So I would drop your attitude soon because you and I both know that Klaus won't stand for it"

"Marcel I just wanted to spend time with my friends alone but I can't do that when I have someone over my shoulder the entire time"

" We can not in trust your safety if we aren't with you Octavia"

" Papa can't protect me forever he already failed once so what's the point now" Octavia crossed her arms and threw herself against the seat.

Marcel swerved to the left and slammed on the breaks before turning around to look at her.

" Elijah did everything in his power to protect you as well as the rest of us, Octavia if you would have followed the rules for as Elijah and Klaus asked of you. You wouldn't have been in a sleeping spell for years Octavia, never in my life have a seen Elijah or Klaus so angry and devastated to know that you were gone and they couldn't fix it. If you want to play the selfish card fine let's play, I had deal with it when you were gone and the rules for me, Rebekah, Kol, and Thirrin tripled and Elijah was a huge stickler about them and was harsh when it came to discipline there was no second chances. We weren't allowed to leave the estate unless we were with Elijah or Klaus for at least two decades. So yes you will have to have a guard with you at all time because Elijah will die before he lets you get hurt, so stop whining before I spank you myself. Besides we're almost there so I would enjoy sitting while you can, if I have to stop the car I will spank you understood?" With that said Marcel started driving again.

Octavia sat back in the seat tears filling her eyes because she hadn't realized what anyone else had to go through while she was asleep, she began to thing about what they could have possibly of went through and was knocked out of her thought as the car slowed off to the side of the road. To which she sat up very quickly.

" Marcel I didn't say anything d- don't spank me Papa already is going to"

" Octavia that's not why I stopped we're home"

In that moment Octavia had almost wished that he had stopped to spank her, almost.

Marcel got out the the car and circled around to let her out, when he offered her his hand she let out a sob that made him stop.

" Tavia I know that you're scared but trust me the longer you wait the angrier they are going to be, and not just with you okay I was told to bring you home immediately, you'll be fine they're not going to kill you."

" That's what you think Marcel they're going to spank me and that's worse than death" Although she wanted to shut the door and never leave the car she got out and held Marcel's hand.

When they walked in the house, they were both surprised that Elijah and Klaus weren't waiting for them. When Kol walked around the corner Octavia let go of Marcel's hand to hug Kol.

" Im sorry I shouldn't of left you, I didn't realize how important it was that I was with you"

Kol pulled her away from him and turned her to her side and landed a dozen hard swats to her backside.

" You don't ever do that again do you understand me"

Octavia eyes filled with tears from the swats but she nodded into Kol's chest as he pulled her into a hug.

" You should go up to your room and wait for Elijah"

Now it was Octavia's turn to push him away.
" No Kol and stop telling me what to do" she whined.

" she's right Kol she can wait in my study in the corner"

Octavia paled slightly going to the study meant she was going to get a harsh spanking. She wasn't expecting to be paddled for not staying with Kol.

" Papa I'll go to my room it's okay"

" It wasn't a suggestion Octavia you will go to my study now you can go on your own or I can help you make your decision wisely"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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